Forgotten, but not gone [Happy Lowman]

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When Happy got the phone call that [Y/N] had been involved in a heinous car accident he dropped everything and hauled ass. He probably would have gotten a speeding ticket if Hale hadn't of met him to give him an escort to the hospital. Once at the hospital he clears the automatic doors to the ER and comes to a halt at the nurses desk.

"[Y/N] [Y/L/N], where can I find her?" Happy spits at the nurse staring at him. She hesitates before scrambling around on the desk for a chart.

After flipping through a few pages she looks back up at him, "she's getting a CT done sir, may I ask your relationship?"

"She's my old-... she's my fiancé." Happy replies, as the nurse nods.

"Okay, I can take you up to the room where she'll be staying and the doctor will be in to speak to you shortly." The says before walking around the counter, "if you'll follow me please."

Happy is lead upstairs and into a critical care room where he is soon joined by some of the Sons. They wait patiently for about another hour before several nurses wheel a sleeping [Y/N] in on a bed and get her situated in the room.

Just as Happy goes to stand from the chair the doctor comes walking into the room. He sets a couple of charts down on the table and turns towards the group of men.

"Good evening, i'm [Y/N]'s doctor, I need to know who the family members are?" The doctor questions as he looks from one member to the next.

"Her dad isn't in the picture, mom died a few months ago and she has no siblings." Happy mutters, "i'm all she's got."

"Very well, can I speak with you alone sir?" He questions while looking at Happy. Some of the guys clap him on the back as they exit the room, the doctor picks up his charts and pulls up a chair next to Happy.

"How bad is it?" Happy questions, surprising even himself that he's showing this much emotion.

"She has a concussion that has resulted in retrograde amnesia, no other injuries except for a few minor lacerations no bruises." The doctor replies.

"Does she know who she is? Or who I am?" Happy questions as he cuts his eyes over to [Y/N] who is resting comfortably.

He hesitates for a moment before continuing on, "She knows who she is and what happened, but when she was asked for emergency contact information she wasn't able to tell us. Luckily one of our pediatric doctors was in the ER when she came in and recognized her."

"So there's a chance she won't be able to recognize me?" Happy asks.

"Unfortunately it's a wait and see thing, I'll continue to pop in throughout the night and perform some tests." The doctor replies before standing and exiting the room. Happy lets out a long slow sigh before standing and walking over to the bed, gently he brushes a strand of hair from her face. 

The action startled [Y/N] awake, her eyes flutter open and fixate on Happy's face. Deep in his gut he wants her to recognize him, no he hopes she does.

"Who are you?" [Y/N] questions as she pulls herself up in her bed.

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