Cuddle By The Fire [Herman Kozik]

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The bed shifts some as Kozik rolls over towards her in an attempt to smother her in a bear hug. A smile spreads across her face as she turns to look at him, he returns the action with a sleepy eyed grin.

"Morning baby." Kozik mumbles as he pulls her closer.

"Morning, what's on the agenda for today?" [Y/N] questions as she rolls over in his arms and plants a gentle kiss on his lips.

Kozik remains quiet for a moment before replying, "Absolutely nothing, today is one of those days where we just lay in bed and cuddle."

"By the fire." She stated while placing a hand on his cheek.

He laughs lightly before replying, "an imaginary fire."

"This is true, but we can at least pretend." She says softly before capturing his lips with hers, a makeout session breaking out.

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