No Regrets [Happy Lowman and Juice Ortiz]

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The rapid sound of gunfire and people screaming rouses [Y/N] from the deep sleep she had fallen into. With a low groan she rolls over and lets her fingers ghost through the covers searching for familiar bodies. She finds nothing but emptiness and cold bedding, in a hurry she kicks the covers away and climbs out of bed. As she nears the living room [Y/N] finds both Happy and Juice on the couch, their eyes glued to the tv.

"What are you two doing?" She asks groggily while squeezing in between the two of them.

"New horror game dropped today," Juice replies before nearly jumping out his skin as what appeared to be a zombie popped up.  [Y/N] nods before looking over at Hapoy who is very much engrossed in the game, obviously enjoying the blood and gore.

"It's way past bedtime though, hard to sleep when I don't have you two with me." [Y/N] replies with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We'll be there shortly little girl, now go on back to bed." Happy grumbles or as he slays several zombies in one go with some form of machine gun.

[Y/N] grumbles lowly before a very devious idea pops into her head. In a very casual manner she places a hand on Happy's thigh before doing the exact same thing to Juice. Ever so slowly she begins inching both hands up their thighs until they're pretty much resting on their crotches. A smile breaks out across her face when she feels not one both men start to get hard just from her innocent touch.

"[Y/N]..." Juice mumbles lowly trying to wiggle out from under your hand while keeping his attention on the TV.

"If you start it you'd better finish it." Happy states bluntly catching her hand as she goes to pull away. [Y/N] happily slides off the couch and plops herself down on her knees in front of Happy.

She nudges his legs apart and begins to work on unbuckling his belt followed by his pants, "My pleasure."

Before Happy can mouth off back at her, [Y/N] has already freed his hardened cock is slowly stroking it. Happy groans in approval and she quickly steps up her game by kissing the head and swiping off the head of precum forming there. [Y/N] repeats the kissing action a couple of more times before taking his entire cock into her mouth. As she begins to bob up and down she runs her tongue along the bottom of it before sucking down on it earning a deep groan from Happy. Not too long after that groan a hand is slipping into her hair and gripping tightly, she was pretty sure if she wasn't wet to start with she was now drenched.

[Y/N] glances up at Happy only to find him with his head laid back against the couch, the game controller slipping from his hand. A loud game over from the TV causes her to flick her eyes over at Juice only to find him dipping into the cookie jar. There he was watching her every move while jacking himself off, the new video game completely forgotten about and she is loving every second of it. She bobs her head down once more before letting go of Happy's well lubricated cock with a wet pop only to motion Juice over for his turn. A small groan can be heard from Happy as [Y/N] meets Juice in the middle, pretty much half on and half off the couch.

She wastes no time and gently starts to stroke Juice's cock, kissing it much like the way she did Happy's. Juice's hand replaces Happy's, tightly wound in her [h/c] locks and even though she was now entertaining Juice, Happy is still able to have his own fun. [Y/N] feels the couch shift under her as Happy slides to the edge where her ass is hanging free and only clothed by her damp panties. In one swift movement Happy slides her panties off and lands a swift open palm smack to her ass, the action causing her to moan around Juice's cock.

"Oh god yes!" Juice exclaims loudly, "I don't know what you did Hap, but apparently [Y/N] likes it."

"Really, does our little girl like it when I do this?" Happy questions as he repeats the action, earning another moan from her. Juice groans loudly as [Y/N] gently runs her teeth along his cock as the stinging sensation ebbs away and a red mark remains on her ass.

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