Start At The Beginning [Happy Lowman] 4/12

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Part Four
Prompt: She takes his hand and he swears, his heart stops beating.
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Fluffiness and Happy Lowman domestication.
Notes: Italics is a flashback or how the "story" goes.
In a panic [Y/N] rushes to the closet and pulls a couple of extra jackets down for the girls before stuffing them into their already over packed bags. Once she's zipped them closed she glances back around their room to make sure they have everything before doing the exact same thing in their shared bathroom. It's not until Happy pokes his head into the bathroom that she slows down to a crawl and finally to a stop, panic evident on her face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Happy questions as he walks up to her, cupping her face forcing her to look him in the eyes.

It takes her a moment to form words, her whole body shakes and she stomps her foot, "W-what if they don't have fun or what if they get hurt?"

Happy chuckles and presses his lips against hers forcibly shushing her up and calming her down, when he pulls away he presses another kiss against her nose. After that another one on her forehead and he repeats it again and again for a few moments to hopefully ease all of her worries.

"They will only be gone for a couple of weeks and besides they're only going to be at your parents." Happy mumbles just as one of the girls squeals from the living room. [Y/N] sucks in a deep breath and pats Happy's chest as a soft smile spreads across her face, the sound of her girls playing and Happy's presence helping her nerves.

"Okay, okay I can do this." [Y/N] mutters as Happy presses another kiss to her forehead, "what time did they say they would be here?"

"Ten, which.." Happy says as he glances down the hallway at the clock hanging on the wall to double check the time, "is now actually."

Before she can say anything in return there's a knock at the door which causes the two of them to pull away from each other and make their way into the living room. Happy goes to answer the door but [Y/N] stops in her tracks, spins around and rushes back to the girls bedroom to get their bags. By the time she's got them slung around her shoulders she can hear the girls cheering and her parents voices and the moment she walks into the living room she's engulfed in hugs.

"It's so good to see you baby, I promise we'll take good care of them and they'll call you every day before bed." her mother states as she pulls away and plants a kiss on [Y/N]'s cheek.

"Make sure they eat all of their veggies and brush their teeth." [Y/N] murmurs as her father pulls the bags away from her as she stares at her mother in the eyes.

"We will sweetheart, you and your old man need a break and it's been a long time since we've had the girls to ourselves." her mother replies as the two sweet angels she's referring two come trotting back in with huge smiles on their faces.

"[Y/M/N] I know you'll take good care of the girls, we'll see you and the girls in a few days." Happy states in an attempt to get the ball rolling so that it won't be as hard on [Y/N].

"Right, right girls give your mom and dad lots of hugs and kisses okay?" her father states as he shoves his hands into the pockets on his coat. Lei and Cora rush forward and encase Happy's legs all the while babbling about how much they'll miss him and then they make their way over to [Y/N].

[Y/N] kneels down in front of them and they quickly spring into action and wrap their arms around her, "You two be on your best behavior and have loads of fun okay? I love you two oh so much and when you get back from Grandma's and Grandpa's I want to hear about everything."

"Yes momma we understand." Lei mumbles as she presses a kiss to [Y/N]'s cheek and Cora follows suit before they both pull away and run over to their grandmother. [Y/N] clears her throat and returns to a standing position as the girls are lead out to the car by her mother and followed her father. Ever so slowly she creeps up alongside Happy and waves at the girls who wave back before they disappear over the horizon.

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