Paper Snowflakes [Juice Ortiz]

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With an angry huff [Y/N] pulls open yet another cabinet door in hopes of finding some coffee filters. Her [e/c] eyes search furiously for some but fail to locate them, in response to not finding any she slams the door. She grumbles lowly and moves back through the apartment to the bedroom, as she passes by the living room something catches her eye.

There sitting in the floor is Juice surrounded by snowflakes made out of coffee filters. She stops short and makes her way over to him hoping to nab an uncut filter paper. Her eyes immediately land on the open pack and she swoops in and grabs one.

"Hey! I'm using those!" Juice yells at her as she turns and makes her way back to the kitchen.

"Yeah and now i'm taking one so that I can go and make some coffee." She replies while waving the filter above her head.

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