Is that yours? [Jax Teller]

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A soft knock on her front door has [Y/N] shoving the last bite of pizza into her mouth before skipping over to see who it is. Cautiously she peeks through the peephole to make sure it is someone she knows. As soon as she catches site of the Men of Mayhem patch she very quickly unlocks the door and flings it open.

"Hey, didn't think you'd be home." Jax states before dabbing out his cigarette on the brick wall next to him.

"Hey," [Y/N] replies a little breathless, "got him earlier than I originally anticipated."

"Cool, cool. Mind if I come in?" He asks while tossing her a small smile. She shakes her head a little and does a once over of him before her eyes settle on what appears to be a large amount of blood on his clothes.

"Is that your blood?" She asks while stepping to the side and motioning for him to come inside.

"Yeah, some of it anyway." Jax replies as he steps past her and into the hallway between the kitchen and living room. [Y/N] glances outside into her yard and then up and down the street just making sure that no one had followed him to her house.

She closes the door behind her before ushering him into the kitchen, "Just don't bleed on my carpet Teller, shits hard enough to get out of clothes sometimes."

"You know I love you right?" He questions as he flops down onto one of the kitchen chairs, "none of this will comeback on you, that's a promise."

"Good, now stabbed or shot?" [Y/N] asks as she fumbles around in her food pantry for her medical kit.

"Why don't you have a look and tell me?" Jax replies as a mischievous grin creeps over his face. [Y/N] snorts softly knowing full well that it would be a long night, I mean it is hard to resist Jax Teller after all.

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