Little One [Jax Teller]

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[Y/N] slowly drags her hand over her very swollen belly as Jax mumbles away into his cellphone more than likely updating Gemma or Clay on the situation. A soft knock at the door has Jax hanging up and hurrying back over to [Y/N], the door swings open and the doctor walks in.

"Okay Mrs. Teller, we've got your blood results back and everything appears..." he says while quickly glancing at a folder in his hand, "to be within normal limits. There are a couple of things we'll be watching during the procedure but they don't appear to be a issue."

"T-that's good news right?" Jax asks as he fumbles around trying to find [Y/N]'s hand.

The doctor laughs lightly before smiling warmly, "I understand this has been a rocky pregnancy, but I can assure this will be an easy delivery for you."

"Good, I would also like to confirm that my contractions are becoming more frequent and stronger so this baby will be here soon." [Y/N] states as she glances over to Jax who smiles at her.

"Great! Well your nurse will continue to check in on you from time to time and you'll soon have your little girl." The doctor says before turning and slipping out of the room.

Several agonizing hours later [Y/N] is hit with horrible pain just as she begins to push, her daughter's head crowning a few moments later. Crying out she squeezes Jax's hand as the doctor and nurses coax her on.

"You're almost there babe, I can see her head, got a head full of hair." Jax states as he brushes a few strands of hair out of her face.

"Almost there..." the doctor states just before [Y/N]'s heart rate suddenly drops, her breathing becoming labored. "Shit she's hemorrhaging, get him out of here. Peds take this baby."

"I'm not going anywhere!" Jax shouts while shaking off several nurses, "[Y/N]! [Y/N]!"

The bed is dropped into a lying position as [Y/N] is intubated and the hemorrhage seen to, but unfortunately the damage was extensive and couldn't be repaired. Jax, holding back tears exits the pediatric unit carrying his newborn baby girl and walks out into waiting room where Gemma, Clay and his brothers are waiting.

"Oh baby, she looks just like [Y/N]." Gemma states as she rubs the baby's head.

"I agree son." Clay states while laying a hand on his shoulder.

"We're here for you brother." Tig states as the Sons look at the newest addition.

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