No More [Juice]

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The suitcase snaps shut as [Y/N] loads the last of her belongings into it, with a hearty grunt she pulls it off the bed and down the hallway to where the rest of her stuff sits. She walks through the small apartment once last time just to make sure she's got everything before making her way towards the front door. Just as she reaches for the doorknob the door opens as Juice walks in, his eyes landing on the boxes and suitcases near the door.

"[Y/N]... I... Today? Now?" Juice questions as he slides into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

[Y/N] lets out a small sigh, her [e/c] eyes never meeting his as she replied, "Yes, Juice. I just can't get past all of the lies, the excuses and the new business venture the club has taken on."

"One more chance [Y/N], that's all i'm asking for, just one more chance." Juice mumbles, his voice cracking some.

Anger floods through her body as tears prick at her eyes, "I gave... I've already given you chance after chance Juice. I was fine with the gun running and the porn business, but drugs? I just can't."

Juice opens and closes his mouth as he tries to form words, but instead he lashed out angrily at the wall beside him, "Please, please don't leave. Not now."

"Juice, there's nothing..." she replies softly.

"One more chance! That's all i'm asking for [Y/N], I love you too much just to let you walk out the door." Juice shouts as his eyes bore into hers.

"No! There are no more chances Juice. I love you to the moon and back, but I just can't do this anymore." [Y/N] states loudly as she pushes past him and opens the door before reaching around him to grab the closest suitcase.

"If you walk out that door [Y/N], we're through." Juice mumbles, keeping his eyes planted on the floor.

"Then so be it, I love you Juan, always remember that." She replies before walking out of the apartment the door closing behind her.

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