I Dont Drink [Tig Trager]

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With her eyes closed tightly, [Y/N] waits patiently for the timer on her phone to go off. The sudden shrill ding catches her off guard and she scrambles for the pregnancy test sitting on the counter. A huge smile spreads across her face as she takes in the very obvious positive symbol before shutting the now annoying timer.

Satisfied with the results she tosses the test into the trash can and makes her way back into the living room. As she drops down onto the couch the front door opens and Tog comes sauntering in carrying a few grocery bags.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" He questions while moving into the kitchen.

"Oh you know, same old, same old." She replies while absentmindedly flipping through the tv in hopes of finding something interesting to watch.

Tig balls up the paper bags before stepping out into the living room, "wanna beer?"

A smile crosses her face as she turns her head to look at him, "sorry, I don't drink Tiggy."

"Since when baby girl?" Tig asks quickly with a small laugh.

"Well, since about twenty minutes ago." [Y/N] replies as Tig sinks down on the couch beside her.

"You're gonna have to do a little more explaining baby because i'm lost." He states as he reaches out to gently run his thumb along her cheek.

"I'm pregnant Tig." She states bluntly as shock edges its way across his face before a huge smile takes over.

"Are you sure?" He asks while pulling her in for a hug.

"Absolutely." She replies as the two of them sit there wrapped in each other's arms wearing huge smiles.

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