Camp By The Tree [Juice Ortiz]

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Blankets and pillows line the floor near the tree as Juice and [Y/N] prepare for a makeshift camp out. After one more glance at the presents to make sure they're not going to get damaged she settles into bed. Juice turns the living room lights off and settles in next to her, the Christmas tree lighting up the room.

"Great idea baby." Juice mumbles to her as he pulls her close to his chest.

A smile creeps across her face before replying, "I was hoping you'd like it considering I felt it was a little cheesy."

"No, no it's perfect." He states with a low chuckle, "but you know what would make it even better?"

"What?" [Y/N] questions as she looks back over her shoulder at him as a huge smile breaks out across his face.

"If you would just tell me what's in that big box behind the tree." He replies causing her to break out in laughter which in turn causes him to laugh.

"You'll find out soon enough, but for now let's get some sleep." She replies as he kisses her cheek and they settle in for a good night's rest.

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