Better [Tig Trager]

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[Y/N] pulls the car into the driveway and shuts it off, after gathering up her work items she climbs out of the car and makes her way to the house. As she nears the front door she catches sight of the mail sticking out of the mailbox a sign that Tig hasn't returned home from the run just yet. She glances through the mail while fumbling to get the front door open, as soon as her eyes land on an envelope from work her heart leaps into her throat.

Once inside she drops everything in the hallway and makes her way to the kitchen with the envelope in hand, she rips the edge off of the envelope and yanks the papers out. Very slowly her eyes scan over every word on the paper and as she nears the bottom of the paper tears begin welling in her eyes. This is the moment she'd been waiting on for months, the big news that she'd been leading Tig on about: a promotion.

In a hurry she pats her pockets in search of her cellphone in order to call Tig, but not finding it there she sets off towards the hall. Just as she rounds the corner the front door opens revealing Tig who looks like he's been through hell and back.

"Hey baby, welcome home." [Y/N] mumbles as he comes to a stop in front of her.

"Thanks," Tig replies lowly as his travel bag slips from his shoulders and hits the floor behind him, "i'm just
gonna go take a shower."

"Okay, i'll whip up a snack and meet you in the bedroom." she replies softly as Tig slips around her, his eyes never meeting hers. After watching him disappear into the bedroom she sprints back into the kitchen where she throws together some sandwiches and chips. Once the plates were loaded she grabs one in her right hand, stuffs the letter between her teeth and grabs the other plate in her free hand.

The bathroom door swings open just as she walks into the bedroom, once the plates were sitting on the dresser she turns to Tig with a huge smile on her face.

"Baby, I know you're upset and down in the dumps but this," [Y/N] says as she forces the piece of paper in his face, "is what we have been waiting on for months!"

Tig slowly takes the paper from her and begins to read it as she shoves a couple of chips into her mouth as her stomach grumbles. It takes a few moments for it to sink in but his attitude starts to change word by word and by the end of he's smiling.

"Is this legit?" Tig asks as he tosses the paper behind him, "you got it?"

[Y/N] smiles happily while nodding as he cheers loudly and wraps her in a bear hug, "I take it you're feeling better?"

"Much better." He replies before capturing her lips with his.

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