Welcome To The Family [Juice Ortiz]

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From the moment the threat became very real and very serious Clay put the club on lockdown. Which of course means everyone flees to the clubhouse for protection even if it means being swept out of bed late at night. Now, [Y/N] works weird hours at her job which means sometimes she misses phone calls from her Old Man. Any other day the missed phone calls wouldn't be an issue but on this particular night it has Juice shaken to his core.

As soon as he gets a free moment he jets off to their shared home coming to a sliding halt in the driveway. Without pulling his helmet off or shutting his bike off he rushes up to the house where he fishes the spare key out from under the doormat. Juice forces the front door open roughly before sprinting down the hallway and into their shared bedroom. He lets out a sigh of relief when he finds [Y/N] wrapped up in a blanket fast asleep on the bed with her phone clutched in her hand.

Juice notices that she's still dressed in her work clothes before very carefully lifting her wrapped form up in his arms. He tries really hard not to wake her as he gently places her in the passenger seat of her car before pulling his bike into the garage. After he stuffs some clothes for the both of them into a duffle bag he makes sure everything is secure before driving the two of them to the clubhouse.

Tig stops the car at the clubhouse gate, "Juice? What the hell brother?"

"Hey man, keep your voice down." Juice replies as Tig nods and looks over at [Y/N] who is still asleep in the passenger seat, "she's good."

"Ooo, baby boy got him an Old Lady now." Tig replies with a chuckle while tapping the side of the car.

"Open the gate Trager." He quips back as the prospect opens the gates. Juice pulls the car into the lot before shutting it off and taking a deep breath hoping to avoid questions and drama. After a few more seconds of sitting in silence he hops out of the car grabbing the duffle bag as he goes. He pulls the strap over his head before gently pulling her out of the car taking care not to hit her head.

Juice manages to shut the door before making his way to the clubhouse, "Not the way I wanted to introduce you baby, but it's for your safety."

"Thank you," [Y/N] whispers back as she wraps her arms around his neck. Juice chuckles softly while pressing a light kiss to her forehead.

"Didn't know you were awake baby." Juice states as Opie opens the door for them, "Hey Gem is there an open bedroom in the back?"

"Oh-um, yes there's one left you can use it." Gemma replies as she looks curiously from Juice to the now semiconscious [Y/N]. He nods at her before making a beeline towards the back where he fumbles getting the bedroom door open.

"I can walk you know." [Y/N] mumbles as Juice shimmies the door open and sets her down on the bed.

"I know," he replies before dropping the duffle bag on the floor and kicking the door closed.

"Everything okay?" She questions as he takes a seat next to her on the bed shoulders slumping.

Juice sighs softly avoiding eye contact, "no, there's a group of individuals who want to hurt us bad and in order to protect everyone we're on lockdown."

[Y/N] yawns before replying, "okay, luckily I have a few days off so I'm not going anywhere. I don't want you to worry too much okay?"

"Kind of hard not to when I love you." Juice replies as someone knocks on the door, "yeah?"

"Clay is looking for you Juice, I'll help her get settled." A female voice replies through the door as Juice stands up from the bed to open the door.

"Thanks Gemma," Juice replies as he steps to the side so that Gemma can step into the room.

"No problem, now go on before he comes huntin us both." Gemma replies while tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, "what's your name baby?"

"[Y/N], like your hairstyle by the way it's quite fitting." [Y/N] replies with a smile as Gemma laughs and closes the door behind her. Gemma helps her settle in and get a few more hours of sleep, by the time the sun is in the sky [Y/N] is up and moving.

Slowly she makes her way into the kitchen where she's greeted by Gemma and several of the sons. After a few shy introductions and handshakes she's slowly coming to love each of them.

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