Feeling [Happy Lowman]

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Author's note: To get a feeling of what i'm going after I highly suggest you play Feeling Whitney by Post Malone.

To say that [Y/N] was devastated to hear of her mother's passing was a major understatement, but at the same time it opened up a door for her to flee her abusive ex. As soon as she steps foot back into Charming she's greeted by another mother figure and swept up under her wing. Gemma immediately fixes up a spare room for [Y/N] and helps her through the rough job of burying her mother.

It took months for [Y/N] to get to a place where she could do certain things , including packing up her mother's home. Eventually she even falls into a normal routine at the garage by helping Gemma in the office, that of course gave her the opportunity to meet some of the Sons. Now [Y/N] found all the guys to be nice and charming, but the one she unintentionally honed in on happened to the Tacoma Killer.

For the longest however he would only nod in her general direction, he not once spoke to her that is until the incident happened. Throughout the club and the porn business it was well known that Ima was a known troublemaker and that came to light originally when she slept with Jax. But the big kicker came when she decided that sleeping with Opie was the best thing since sliced bread. Well [Y/N] happen to catch Ima as she was leaving the clubhouse after the whole thing and words were had that lead to hands flying. It took Happy and several other Sons to pry the two apart and all the while Gemma and Tara were standing a few feet away wearing faces of approval.

It was like something flipped inside of Happy on that day though, from the moment he pulled her off of Ima a connection was formed. Pretty much any chance Happy got during the day was spent talking to [Y/N]. Gemma even starts hinting to Happy how good of an Old Lady [Y/N] would be.

Fast forward to now and [Y/N] just so happens to be sitting at the desk in the office waiting for Happy to finish work. Now there were some things that she hadn't told Happy, things that she wasn't really sure how to bring up. Things like how her abusive ex would put out cigarettes on her arms or how he'd lash out when drunk and beat her senseless. In an attempt to hide the scars that she's so embarrassed of she constantly wears some light jacket or long sleeve.

However with it being so damned hot in Charming that day [Y/N] was forced to peel out of that jacket. Without her jacket on she becomes super paranoid about who walks into the office. What [Y/N] doesn't notice is that Happy happens to walk in at the same time she's filing things and he takes notice of her scars. Happy quietly backs out of the office now battling the anger that has formed in the pit of his stomach. For a while now he knew she was hiding something, but he didn't want to press her and was waiting for her to tell him. In a flash he flings open the door to the clubhouse and demands a beer hoping that it takes the edge off.

Once [Y/N] is done filing away the days paperwork she locks up the garage, "Alright Chuck she's all yours until tomorrow."

"Okie dokie [Y/N], enjoy your evening!" Chuck replies happily as she passes the keys off to him.

[Y/N] chuckles softly while heading to her car excited to finally get to meet up with Happy at the diner. She arrives before Happy and decides to take the furthest booth from the door as the waitress gets her some coffee. Several minutes later Happy comes strolling in, his eyes dart around the diner and finally land on [Y/N] who's staring out of the window. Happy takes a deep breath to calm himself before he walks over to the table and slides into the seat across from her. As soon as her eyes make contact with his her face lights up and a smile replaces the frown that's settled on her face.

"Hey doll, here's your coffee and what can I get for you sir?" The waitress asks as she sets the coffee cup down in front of [Y/N].

"The same thing," Happy says as he glances over at the waitress.

"Sure thing, would you two like a couple of menus?" She asks while turning back towards the kitchen.

"Yes please." [Y/N] states as the waitress nods and disappears behind the counter to retrieve the items they had requested.

Happy carefully reaches across the table and gently lets his fingertips brush against [Y/N]'s hand, "I see you're wearing the jacket."

The statement catches her off guard, but she bounces back quickly, "Hap, that's not really something i'm ready to talk about. Soon though, I just need more time to figure out how to talk about it."

He nods slowly, their eye contact never faltering, "that's fine, I can live with that. However, if that bastard so much as shows his face here it'll be the last time he ever does."

"Happy, you don't have to do that." [Y/N] mumbles lowly.

"I know, but I won't to protect you because... because you mean the world to me." Happy states just as the waitress returns with the menus and his coffee. [Y/N] stares in disbelief at Happy but then breaks out in laughter.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me Hap." She replies with a soft smile as he finally covers her hand with his, he adds on an a little squeeze for reassurance.

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