Surprise [Everyone]

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When [Y/N] started at Teller-Morrow she was beyond stoked, she was going to get paid a decent amount and she got to day dream a little. She instantly became good friends with Gemma, Tara and even Lyla and maybe even had a crush on a son or two. It wasn't like they would notice her anyway because they thought she was quiet and a little too shy, Gemma on the other hand thought she was hiding a wild side.

She wasn't too far off, [Y/N] did in fact know how to party with the best of them, but she wasn't ready to embarrass herself just yet. So when it came time for one of the annual club parties [Y/N] excused herself and headed home to an empty house. That was not the case though when she got home and found her ex camping out on her doorstep.

Cautiously she climbs the steps and stops in front of him, "what are you doing here?"

"Came to see you baby, brought you some flowers and your favorite wine." He mumbles while motioning towards some wilted flowers and a cheap knockoff of her favorite wine.

[Y/N] scoffs while fidgeting with her house keys, "First off, when I said we were done I meant it. Secondly, neither of those are my favorite. Now please kindly remove yourself from my porch before I call the cops."

"Seriously? You're going to quit this dick?" He shouts, flailing his arms up and above his head, "you must be one crazy bitch."

"No, no not crazy, smart." [Y/N] says while backing down the steps, "you know what take your flowers and your wine and go have a pity party with your dick."

"Where are you going [Y/N]? This isn't over!" He screams at her as she climbs into her car her mind set on one thing alcohol. In a frenzy she pulls her car out of her driveway and speeds back over to the shop. As she gets closer she finds it next to impossible to find a good parking spot but soon finds one.

She walks into the lot and is swallowed by the sound of loud rock music and the sea of people. It takes a few moments before she can fully enter the clubhouse and get near the bar. Just as she gets close to the bar someone snags her by the arm and pulls her away, she roughly jerks her arm free ready to brawl only to find Gemma.

"What the fuck?" [Y/N] shouts at Gemma who only flashes her a smile in return.

"I didn't think I'd see you here!" She shouts back while wrapping an arm around [Y/N]'s shoulders, "want a beer?"

"Gem, i'm gonna need something a little stronger than beer tonight." [Y/N] replies as Gemma pulls her towards the bar, "my ex showed up at my house and started in on some shit."

"Don't worry baby girl, Half-Sack here will get you all hooked up." Gemma states while waving the man over, "we're gonna need the good stuff tonight."

"No problem, what can I get for you?" Half-Sack asks, his eyes locking with [Y/N]'s.

"Two shots of Bacardi 151 if you have any and then follow it up with some beers." [Y/N] states as she fumbles around in her jacket pocket for her wallet.

"Yes ma'am, and it's on the house tonight." Half-Sack replies as he shoves off the counter to fill her order.

"But, I was going to pay." She says as she looks back over at Gemma.

"It's all good baby, just slip a tip into the tip jar later." Gemma replies just as Half-Sack returns with two shot glasses filled to the brim.

"Want them lit?" He asks as he sets them down on the counter while fishing the beers out from the cooler.

"Nope," [Y/N] replies as she grabs one of the glasses, salutes them both and downs it. The stout liquid hits the back of her throat roughly, she feels the burn all the way down as her face contorts.

"Damn, this man must have really screwed up." Gemma states as [Y/N] takes the other shot and does it the exact same way. [Y/N] thumps the shot glass back down onto the counter before taking a long drink of beer. The shots hit her a little faster than she thought they would and she stumbles for a second before latching onto the counter.

"Woo! Hell yeah!" [Y/N] shouts as Gemma breaks out into laughter now that she's finally getting to see her friend let loose.

It went from singing along to the music to dancing out in the middle of the floor. [Y/N] couldn't keep up with how many partners she had, but she knew for a fact that Juice and Chibs always came back around. By the time the night was over [Y/N] couldn't remember everything that happened. The next day when she came into work though, it was like she was another person.

All of the Sons greeted her with smiles and high fives and Gemma did the exact same thing after offering her coffee and some painkillers.

"What exactly happened last night?" [Y/N] asks Gemma as they sit down for lunch.

"Well, you had fun for one." Gemma replies, "had a few shots, some beer, danced and sung. But it got real when you decided to go Coyote Ugly and dance on the bar."

[Y/N] groans lowly while hiding her face in her hands, "Why me?"

"Oh don't worry, Lyla helped you out and didn't let you sink on your own." Gemma replies while patting her gently on the arm, "besides I think you might have a couple of fans that would kill for an encore."

[Y/N]'s face lights up bright red as the memories of Juice and Happy come flooding back. Gemma notices the reaction and laughs loudly as their lunch platters are set in front of them.

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