Carriage Ride [Opie Winston]

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The blindfold covering her eyes begins to become scratchy so [Y/N] lifts the corner to rub around her nose. Opie's hand catches hers mid scratch and tugs it away from her face.

"Not yet, were almost there." Opie states as he intertwines his fingers with hers, "don't want to ruin the surprise."

"I wasn't peaking, just scratching my nose." [Y/N] replies with a soft laugh. Opie chuckles himself as the truck comes to a stop for a brief second before continuing on down the road.

Several minutes later Opie pulls the truck over and shuts it off. She can hear him shuffle around and unbuckle his seatbelt and a few seconds later the blindfold comes off. [Y/N] blinks a few times before she realizes where they are and her breath hitches in her throat.

"I hope you like it." Opie says as he slides out of the truck to open her door. There in front of the truck is the shoreline littered with several horses pulling carriages.

Opie opens the door and she yanks off her seatbelt and slides out. After shutting the door he grabs her hand and they quickly pick out a horse and carriage.

"Thank you Opie, I love it." [Y/N] says as she presses a light kiss to his cheek.

"You're welcome." He replies while helping her into he carriage.

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