About Time [Jax Teller]

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Six months, that was a rough estimate of how long [Y/N] had been in Charming and within those six months she managed to catch the eye of a particular Son. The first time she met Jax was when she was purchasing groceries at the local food mart and she nearly took him down with her buggy. The two of them laughed it off, but carried on their conversation until it was time for them to part ways as they exited the store.

[Y/N] ran into Jax again the following week at the bank, Jax ended the conversation by asking her on a date which she politely turned down. Several weeks passed and [Y/N] didn't run into Jax not once, and she found herself worrying over someone she's only known for a short period of time. In the meantime she found good work at a local diner and started building a life in Charming, the biggest step was buying her very own home.

It wasn't until a very busy lunch rush that she finally laid eyes on Jax Teller once more and he greets her with a large smile as she places a menu and a coffee cup on the table in front of him.

"Hey darlin', long time no see." [Y/N] states as she pulls out a small notepad in order to record what he orders.

"Likewise, you know i've only been here a couple of times and that was ages ago." Jax mutters as he thumbs the menu, his eyes never leaving hers, "so i'm not really sure what's good."

[Y/N] laughs lightly before replying, "to be honest Jax, even I don't know what's good to eat. I can tell you that we do have the best coffee and pie in the area though."

"Then i'll have a slice of whatever pie you've got today and a cup of coffee." Jax states as she quickly jots down his order before turning and hurrying back over to the counter where she hands over his order. Within a few moments the cook is sliding a fresh slice of pie out of the kitchen and she grabs it and a pot of coffee.

"Here you are," she says while sliding the pie onto the table, "I hope you like it."
"I'm pretty sure I will," Jax replies as [Y/N] fills up the coffee cup.

"Hey, can I get my check please?" a guy a booth over yells at her.

"Right away!" she quips back before smiling at Jax and walking over to the other booth. Needless to say she was swept into the lunch rush and didn't get back around to Jax's booth for quite some time and by the time she did swing back by he was already gone.

[Y/N] groans some as she cleans away the table, but as she picks up one of the napkins on the table she perks up. There written very neatly was Jax's name and cell number with a quick call me scribbled underneath the information. She stuffs the napkin in her pocket and continues on with her shift making sure each of her customers are well taken care of.

As soon as her shift comes to an end she clocks out and makes her way to her car napkin and phone in hand. Once she's safely in her car with the doors locked and air blasting she dials Jax's number and waits for him to answer.

"Hello?" Jax questions when answering the phone.

"Smooth leaving your number a rather nice tip, thanks for that by the way." [Y/N] replies as Jax chuckles softly.

"Not a problem, I noticed that you got really busy and we didn't really get a chance to talk." he replies, "so I decided to leave my number."

"Part of me is happy that you did, the other part is questioning why you did it." [Y/N] states while fiddling with a loose string on her shirt.

"Understandable, I guess I left it in hopes that you'd actually call me and we'd get the chance to get to know each other a little more." he says causing her to chuckle some.

"Well I did end up calling," she replies, "and i'd love to get to know you better Jax."

"Really? Well [Y/N], are you busy tonight?" Jax questions.

"I'm free as free can be." she replies causing him to chuckle.

"Great, so how about a date then?" he asks, "only if you're up for it."

"Sounds good Jax, just text me the time and the place and i'll meet you there." [Y/N] replies with a soft laugh.

"Done deal, see you tonight." Jax states before ending the call with a deep sigh, "finally."

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