Christmas Parade [Chibs Telford]

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Chibs slows the motorcycle down as they come to a stop at a stop sign as they make their way further into the town. After making sure the coast is clear they continue in down the road that will intersect with main street where the Christmas parade is supposed to be. He pulls off to the side and shuts the engine off before they both climb off of the bike.

"Are you sure the parade starts at seven?" [Y/N] questions as she pulls her helmet off and sets it down on the seat.

Chibs does the same before turning to her to reply, "Aye lass, I saw the flyer last week as I was leaving the weed shop."

"Wait, this was after you were sick?" [Y/N] questions as he grabs her hand and they walk towards the corner shop.

"Yes, why?" Chibs replies.

[Y/N] laughs lightly as they come to a stop by the shop, "So there's a chance that you looked at the time wrong?"

"No, I remember what I saw [Y/N]." Chibs states, "people will show up soon."

She doesn't reply, only shrugs and goes to lean against the shop waiting on people to arrive. A few minutes pass before half an hour passes as Chibs only becomes more irritated from the lack of parade progress.

[Y/N] yawns before looking down at her feet and there by her foot is a flyer for the Christmas parade. She bends over and picks it up and begins to study it closely, there in the bottom was the date December 17 at 6:00 PM. Quietly she walks over to Chibs and hands him the flyer before walking back over to bike where she picks up her helmet and pulls it on.

Chibs looks at the paper in his hands and balls it up a few seconds later before following after her. Once they're settled on his bike they head off back to home.

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