Stand Your Ground [Jax Teller]

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The sound of shattering glass has [Y/N] rolling out of bed, eyes wide gasping for air. Creaking floorboards signal that the intruder is downstairs in the kitchen, slowly [Y/N] creeps to her nightstand. Once there she begins fumbling around searching desperately for her cellphone. As soon as she finds it [Y/N] has to take several deep breaths to calm her shaking in order to dial Jax's number.

"Hello?" Jax asks after he answers his phone, "[Y/N]?"

"J-Jax? I think-I think someone just broke into my house." [Y/N] replies in a low tone, trying really hard to not speak too fast.

"What? Are you okay?" Jax questions, the sound of a motorcycle starting in the background.

"I'm okay; i'm upstairs at the moment." She says as she creeps towards the closet as a thought occurs to her.

"Just hide, we will be there soon!" Jax shouts before the line goes dead. [Y/N] quietly opens the closet door and fishes around in some of her unpacked camping gear for one of her hunting knives. As she goes to close the closet door a familiar squeak of a stair has her bolting for the bathroom where she hides behind the door.

To muffle her heavy breathing she clasps a hand over her mouth, the footsteps drawing closer to her bedroom. She can hear the bedroom door swing open and bump against the wall, drawers were drug open and then flung on the ground. Through the crack of the door she can see the masked assailant moving about the room and her fear becomes desperation.

[Y/N] waits patiently for the person to enter the bathroom and that's when she strikes. She throws her full weight against the bathroom door which lurches forward slamming into the intruder. He falls back against the sink dazed and confused, [Y/N] uses that moment to strike. In a frenzy she slams the hunting knife into the intruder to the hilt not once but several times all concentrated in the abdomen and chest. Finally she stumbles back tears streaming down her face as he guy slides to the floor, blood gurgling from his mouth.

As he slides to the floor he desperately tries to reach out and grab her but [Y/N] is quick to attack again. The final blow apparently does the trick as she slams the blade into the guys neck. His lifeless body falls to the ground just as two sets of hands grab at her pulling her from the bathroom.

[Y/N] shrieks while fighting who ever has a hold of her until she realizes it's Jax and Happy. Happy let's her go in order to go check on the guy, Jax gingerly pries the knife from [Y/N]' hand. He then picks her up bridal style and carries her down the stairs and outside where they both collapse onto the cool grass.

She clings to Jax while sobbing as the rest of the Sons rush into the house. Jax holds her close stroking her hair and shushing her in an attempt to calm her down.

"I've got you baby, nothing's going to happen to you." Jax mutters into her ear as David Hale pulls up in his cruiser, lights flashing.

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