Tease [Tig Trager]

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Family dinner.the one time where everyone is under the same roof at the same time with all of the troubles of the world forgotten. The one rule that Gemma makes sure is enforced: everyone gets along and no monkey business. All was going according to plan until Tig thought it'd be a great idea to tease you underneath the table. He manages to catch you off guard while you are chatting up Lyla but the moment his hand grazes your inner thigh you freeze. Goosebumps break out over your skin as you slowly become hyper aware of his touch as it creeps closer to your panties.

"You okay? Your face is a little red and your pupils are blown." Lyla mutters as she leans in closer to you.

You clear your throat and shoot her a loving smile, "i'm fine, just a little too much wine."

"Fair, I think I've had way too much myself." Lyla responds with a soft laugh as you roughly brush Tig's hand away. Tig wastes no time and trying to amp up his actions, this time he manages to graze a couple of his fingers along your clothed pussy.

Very carefully you reach in front of you to pick up your wine glass, but instead you push away from the table. With a small wave you excuse yourself from the table and scurry down the hallway wanting to escape Tigs burning touch. Unbeknownst to you though Tig had excused himself from the table under the guise to take a smoke break and followed you. Before you can get the door closed Tig pushes his way in and closes it behind himself.

"What the hell are you doing?" You whisper harshly after turning towards him.

"Mm, I wanted to have a taste of dessert early." Tig replies as he steps forward one hand landing on your waist and the other on your cheek, "Damn baby, you look down right devine."

"If we get caught Tig, I'll stab you. With a knife and hide your phone." You snark back as he yanks you forward until your flush against his own body.

"That's completely fair, but just remember if we get caught it's all your fault." Tig mumbles as he pushes you backwards towards the sink, "because you make all of those delicious sounds that I just love so much."

"Then let's just keep it PG and take this show home yeah?" You mumble as he begins to fiddle with the bottom half of your dress.

"Mm, this is a lot more fun though." He replies while slinking his hands up your thighs, pushing the dress higher and higher until he reaches your panties. In a blink of an eye he grabs the waistband of your panties and yanks them down until you're able to step out of them.

"Tiggy, you know i'm all about the kink but we both know my panties are going to be enough of a gag." You state as your eyes lock with his a devious flame dancing within them.

"We'll Just have to see won't we?" He replies with a smirk, "now, open up."

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