Start At The Beginning [Happy Lowman] 3/12

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Part Three
Prompt: He smiles and it's like falling in love all over again.
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Fluffiness and Happy Lowman domestication.
Notes: Italics is a flashback or how the "story" goes.
With a cheery smile [Y/N] puts the finishing touches on the girls lunches which includes big goofy smiley faces on the paper bags. Before she can get a single word out of her mouth two half dressed munchkins come bounding around the corner being chased by a very exasperated Happy. In a flash [Y/N] scoops up Lei before she can scamper away yet again and places her on the counter in front of her.

"No fair momma!" Lei cries out as [Y/N] begins readjusting the tiny garments hanging off of her tiny frame. Out of the corner of her eye she spies Happy wrangle Cora and do the same and just in time as the preschool bus stops outside and begins honking.

"All right ladies, grab your backpacks and lets get this day started!" [Y/N] chirps happily as she sets Lei down on the ground before grabbing their lunches and heading towards the front door. "If you hurry I'll see if I can maybe add some ice cream into supper tonight!"

[Y/N]'s bargaining chips seems to kick the girls into high gear because they come bouncing after her. A lunch bag is exchanged for a kiss and then they are out the door and onto the bus. She makes sure the bus is far away from the house before closing the door and retreating back into the kitchen searching for Happy. Upon entering the kitchen she finds him draped over the counter munching on some leftover waffles.

"They have your energy," Happy mumbles as she comes to a stop in front of him, "I don't understand how you do it everyday."

[Y/N] let's out a deep sigh and pries the half eaten waffle out of Happy's hand before taking a bite out it herself, "lots and lots of coffee, a huge helping of you."

"Oh?" Happy questions as he pushes himself up and off of the counter, slowly slinking around so that he's now standing behind [Y/N]. He gently brushes her hair away from her neck and shoulder before placing a few butterfly kisses along the exposed skin. For a split second [Y/N] slips into the moment, her eyes flutter shut and she grinds her ass against his crotch.

"Baby, as much as I'd like to get lost in a world of pure ecstasy right now if we don't get going, we're both gonna be late." [Y/N] mumbles out as she tries desperately to clutch at something, anything to keep herself from jumping Happy. "Don't want to piss off Chibs."

Happy grumbles unhappily but places a loving kiss on her forehead, "I'll see you tonight, love you."

"Love you to, be careful out there." [Y/N] replies with a smile as she watches Happy pick up his kutte and walk out the back door. From where she's standing at the kitchen counter she can hear the motorcycle roar to life in the garage and then quickly fade down the highway. Her [e/c] eyes dance over to the clock hanging above the dining table before bugging at the time displayed there.

[Y/N] picks up her own bag and quickly runs back through the house double checking that everything is situated and turned off. With one final look she exits the house, locks it up tight and climbs into her car ready to get the day started so that it flies by and she can come home to her family. After clocking out [Y/N] heads to the parking garage and while waiting for the elevator she fishes her phone out and scrolls through her contacts until she reaches Happy's number. As soon as the cursor highlights his name she hits call and places the phone up against her ear, she listens to the ringing until the elevator comes to a stop. Just before she steps onto the elevator her phone call is forwarded to his voicemail, [Y/N] doesn't leave a message instead she ends the call.

The whole ride down to the garage and the drive home was a bit taxing, she knows what Happy does for the club and how dangerous it is, but there are times were her mid runs rampant. She worries that he won't come home ever, of if something does happen and he does come home she worries that he won't be whole. So as soon as she comes to a stop outside of the garage she puts the car in park and tries to call Happy once more only to be yet again sent to voicemail. To calm herself down [Y/N] sucks in a deep breath and slowly lets it out, her hands tighten and untighten around the steering wheel. A sudden honk stirs her from her thoughts and she climbs out of the car to see the bus slowly creeping to a stop at the end of the driveway and when the doors open her two hooligans come rushing forth.

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