Remember The Good Times [Happy Lowman]

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Authors Note: This is merely a warning, this fic includes kidnapping, torture and homicide. If you are triggered by any of these things please do not proceed and reread some of my happier works. Thanks in advance!
It is a quick, but effective blow to the back of [Y/N]'s head that renders her unconscious. Happy meets the same fate when he comes home to find the door standing wide open and a restrained [Y/N]. Several hours pass by before [Y/N] starts to regain consciousness, only to find herself tied to a chair.

She groans loudly and blinks hard trying to get an idea of where she's at, "H-Hello?"

A low groan across from her has her focusing hard on that spot as Happy's blurryface comes into view. [Y/N] whimpers while pulling hard against her restraints in an attempt to free herself but they don't budge. She looks around the dark room only to finally realize that they weren't taken anywhere, they are being held right in her home.

"Happy, baby I need you to wake up please!" [Y/N] cries out, loud enough to hopefully rouse him. Happy twitches but doesn't respond to her cry forcing her to struggle harder against her restraints.

"Be quiet you little bitch!" A guy hisses sharply while walking out of what she assumes is their bedroom. As he moves closer and closer to the two of them she notices that he's wearing a particularly scary looking clown mask. The guy comes to a stop in front of Happy and pulls something from his pocket.

[Y/N] can't see the item but when he pushes a button she can see a light and a loud crackling noise. The guy takes the item and shoves it against Happy's chest causing him to cry out and thrash in his chair.

"Stop!" [Y/N] shrieks as she realizes that it's a cattle prod the man is using. He steps away from Happy and backhands her across the face, hard causing her to cry out. The blow is hard enough to throw her head back at an odd angle and split her lip open.

"Happy, why don't you come join the party." The clown states while patting Happy on the cheek. Happy groans but lifts his head up and begins fighting against his restraints when his eyes land on [Y/N]. He walks away from Happy and circles around to stand behind [Y/N].

Her eyes lock with Happy's as the guy roughly grabs her hair and yanks her head back as a cry slips out. With his free hand he drags his fingers up and along her neck settling on her cheek.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off of her." Happy growls as he thrashes harder, his restraints digging into his skin.

"Oh so scary," the guy taunts as he digs around for something in his pocket, "don't be so full of yourself Lowman, your clubs actions have lead right up to this moment."

Clown forces her mouth open so that he can shove a gag in to keep her quiet. Once the gag is secure he steps away from them and over to the dining table where several items are spread out. Tears begin to well up in [Y/N]'s eyes as her mind begins to race knowing her fate is sealed.

"[Y/N], look at me. Look at me." Happy states as the lock eyes, "I love you and whatever happens I just want you to know how sorry I am."

"That's refreshing, I suppose." The clown draws out as he picks up an object and walks back over to where [Y/N] is sitting. A light glints off the object-a hammer- and [Y/N] begins to breath harder and shake.

"If you hurt her, I'll murder you myself." Happy spits, his eyes boring into the guy anger flowing through every inch of his body.

"Good, I'll give you a fair shot." He replies while lifting the hammer up and slamming it down in the middle of [Y/N] left arm. She screams out as the ulna and radius snap in two, searing pain tears up her arm and rocks through her core. The guy hums happily as he moves from one side of the chair to the other as her left arm begins to turn a sickly color and swell.

"Stop it!" Happy shouts thrashing so hard that he flips his chair onto its side, "Stop it! Don't hurt her hurt me!"

He rolls his eyes and walks over to Happy and rights his chair, "Why would I do that? The goal isn't to hurt you, it's to send a message and in order to do that I have to hurt someone you love."

Clown moves away from Happy and repeats the same action of breaking [Y/N]'s other arm. [Y/N] screams out yet again, her screams muffled by the gag of course. Tears stream down her face as her vision becomes blurry as the pain eats away at her conscious state.

"You're a tougher cookie than I thought." He states before walking back over to the table to retrieve something else, "you know, usually I start out with a little knife play, but I do love to shake things up."

Turning from the table he unfolds a plastic drawstring bag, shaking it open he struts over to [Y/N]. She doesn't fight him as he pulls the bag over her head and cinches the tie, with the lack of oxygen her heart rate speeds up. After a few seconds she begins gasping for air, darkness comes closer and closer and just as she reaches the edge he pulls the bag off. Her lungs fill with fresh air as her red blood cells work overtime trying to right the wrongs.

"Please, just stop..." Happy mumbles, head dropping against his chest unable to look at [Y/N] any more. Clown chuckles darkly ready to pull the bag back over her head, but as he shakes it out Happy's cell phone starts ringing.

He walks over to the table and picks up a familiar name blinking on the caller ID, "Well this should be fun."

"Happy, you there?"Jax's voice rings out through the dark house, "Happy?"

"Hello Jackson, Happy's a bit tied up at the moment." Clown replies as he holds the phone up close to his face, "and well [Y/N], well she's tip toeing out the door."

"Who the hell are you? Where's Happy?" Jax demands, the room falling silent.

Clown chuckles as he picks up a loaded gun from the table, "they're both at home Jax, but one isn't in such good shape. Hell, i'm pretty sure that will be long gone by the time you get here."

"If you hurt either one of them it'll be the end of you!" Jax shouts as the sound of motorcycles come to life. Clown drops the phone in the floor, still on speaker as he walks back over to [Y/N]. He yanks the bag back over her head and then puts the gun up to her temple, with one final look at Happy he pulls the trigger.

[Y/N] falls limp as Happy screams and thrashes hard flipping his chair over yet again. Clown gathers up a couple of bags and leaves the house as the phone call cuts out and the sounds of bikes draw near. From the floor Happy watches as blood pools underneath her chair, fueling his rage.

"I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry." Happy sobs as he thinks back to something [Y/N] Would always tell him, "Remember the good times."

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