Mistletoe [David Hale]

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In a very quick manner [Y/N] glances over her shopping list in order to make sure they've gotten everything. Just as she stuffs the list into her back pocket David walks up carrying the last items she'd sent him after.

"There," he says as he dumps the items into the buggy, "that should be everything that we've come for."

"You are absolutely correct and if we hurry we'll beat a lot of the crowd to the checkout." [Y/N] says with a soft smile as he takes the buggy from her.

"Yes ma'am, after you." David states while motioning for her to walk ahead. She rolls her eyes at him but leads the way, rounding the corner a few aisles up they come to a screeching halt when they hit long lines.

"Well, it looks like we'll be waiting for a while." [Y/N] mumbles as she falls back to stand by David who is piddling with a loose thread.

The two of them stand there for a while, creeping closer and closer to the checkout when all of a sudden David steps away from the buggy. [Y/N] looks over at him before he holds one finger up and runs away obviously after something they've forgotten.

By the time he returns to the line [Y/N] was already pulling bags from the bag holder, "what did we forget?"

"Oh nothing, I'll meet you at the car okay?" David replies as the cashier quickly rings up whatever he's gotten.

"Okay," she states before pushing the buggy on out of the store towards the car. Once at the car she quickly unloads the buggy, returning the buggy to the rack afterwards. Just as she favors to open the door it's roughly shut with David leaning against it, a devious smirk on his face.

She narrows her eyes at him as he lifts his hand above her head, her eyes following his movements. There in his hand above her head is a bundle of mistletoe.

"What are you doing?" She asks, her eyes meeting his again.

"Christmas stuff, now kiss me." He replies as he swoops down and captures her lips with his. She places a hand on his chest as the hand with the mistletoe drops and lands on her waist.

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