Meant To Be [Happy Lowman]

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Everyone needs someone they can confide in, even the infamous Tacoma Killer. This particular person started out as a mutual friend that shared his love of tattoos-to be specific his smiley tattoos. Over the years the two of them grew closer and closer and [Y/N] was even introduced to the club.

Fast forward to now and that's where the two of them could be found, smack in the middle of a packed clubhouse. The two of them sit shoulder to shoulder, beers in hand as they watch the mass of people move with the music.

"Thanks for the invite Hap!" She shouts over to him before taking a sip of her beer, "didn't think I would need to get away from that hell hole so bad."

"No problem, I'll be right back." Happy replies as he slips off his bar stool. [Y/N] watches him disappear towards the bathroom before downing the rest of her beer. She spins back around and motions for Half-sack to get her another one, he throws her a thumbs up before serving the people in front of him.

Out of the corner of her eye she notices someone standing beside her, "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I was uh wondering if you've ever been to Tennessee?" The guy questions as her eyes lock with his, "because baby, you're the only ten I see."

The pickup line catches her off guard causing her to laugh really hard and slap her hand against the bar. Before she can reply to the guy, Half-sack drops an open beer on the counter before saluting the two of them.

"How's that line working out for you?" [Y/N] asks before grabbing the new beer.

The guy fiddles with his own drink before clearing his throat, "not so well i'm afraid, you're the first one to entertain it though."

She nods slowly before taking a sip of her drink, as she lowers the bottle her eyes land on Happy standing a few feet away. The look on his face was mixed so she couldn't get a good read on it, but for a moment it appeared to have been jealousy.

"Look bud, i'm sure you're a nice guy and all but that line isn't going to get you anywhere tonight, or ever." She states, "so why not mosey on to another girl."

The guy scoffs as a look of unpleasantness settles on his face, "Or what bitch?"

His question startled her and Happy must have picked up on it because before she knows it he's standing right beside her.

"Want to repeat that?" Happy questions, his eyes boring holes into the other guys face, "if not get the hell stepping and leave my Old Lady alone."

It takes a moment for it to settle in but the guy darts off to another part of the bar. [Y/N] runs through Happy statement once more before turning to look at him.

"What?" He asks, his eyes locking with hers.

"Old Lady huh?" She questions as Happy gently pulls the beer from her hand.

"Sure," he says as he takes a swig, "if you want to be."

She ponders it for a moment while chewing on her bottom lip, "What the hell, means I get to hang out with you more often and get you into bed whenever I'd like."

"Now that's what i'm talking about." Happy says as a huge smile breaks out across his face. [Y/N] returns the smile as she notices something very devious dancing in her Old Man'a eyes.

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