Decorate The House [Jax Teller]

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The flashlight clatters to the ground angrily as [Y/N] shoves another box out of the way just as something pointy and very heavy collides with her foot. In a hurry she yanks her foot out from under whatever fell and clamps a hand over her mouth as a string of profanities begins to slip out. After a few seconds of heavy breathing and fumbling around in the dark her nimble fingers finally find the flashlight.

"Hey! Everything okay up here?" Jax questions as he pokes his head into the attic. She sweeps the flashlight over towards him before shaking her head no.

"Nope, not at all." [Y/N] mumbles through clenched teeth, "I can't find the damned decorations and something has fallen on my foot."

He laughs softly before climbing up the rest of the ladder and making his way over to her, "Are they back this far? I could have sworn we put them closer to the door last year."

"Yeah, but Tiggy brought all of those boxes up here baby, so in all honesty there's not telling where they got put." She states while moving the beam of the flashlight across the attic once more. However this time when she does it a quick glimpse of something bright and shiny catches her eye.

Jax notices her staring off into one of the corners and follows her line of sight, "Well, that appears to be some of the lawn decorations so they could all be in that corner."

"Agreed, but i'm you're going in that corner by yourself." [Y/N] states as she passes him the flashlight.

"Why?" Jax questions as he looks back over at her.

"Well, for starters my foot is killing me and that corner is notorious for having huge ass spiders so it's all yours." She replies before slinking around him, "I'll be in the living room ready to decorate once the boxes are retrieved."

"But what if I don't want to deal with the spiders?" Jax calls out to her as she climbs down the stairs.

"Too bad, besides aren't you a big bad biker?" She shouts up the ladder at him.

Jax nods quickly before replying, "you're damned right."

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