Sit On Santa's Lap [Tig Trager]

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Tig drops two pieces of toast on [Y/N]'s plate as he sits down next to her at the kitchen table with a coffee cup in hand, "So how's the Christmas list coming?"

"Almost done, I've just got to decide on what to get Abel." She replies while grabbing a piece of the toast to nibble on while flipping through the latest catalog from Toys-R-Us, "do you know where we stored the Santa suit last year after the party?"

He grabs the other piece of toast before letting out a long sigh, "No, I honest can't remember where that suit ended up after our Christmas fun."

A dark blush creeps up her neck and settles into her cheeks, this of course catches her Old Man's attention. [Y/N] continues to nibble quietly on her toast in an attempt to beat the blush away but it hangs around.

"Well we will need to find it since it's Bobby's turn to be Santa this year." She replies before looking up at Tig who is absentmindedly staring off into space, she takes the moment to sneak his coffee cup away from him and takes a sip, "Tig? You with me baby?"

"Mhm, sorry I just remembered how badly you wanted to sit on Santa's lap last year is all." Tig states, a smirk playing on his lips as he takes his cup back, "which you happily did, multiple times."

[Y/N] clears her threat and slowly closes the catalog as her mind begins to race with some very naughty ideas, "Santa better find his suit and fast because Mrs. Claus is rather flustered and needs her husband."

"I think it's under the bed in one of the storage bins." Tig mumbles as he scoots away from the table and hurries to the bedroom forgetting the light breakfast.

"Good cause Mrs. Claus really wants to sit on Santa's lap again!" She states while hurrying after him.

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