Gingerbread House [Herman Kozik]

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[Y/N] shifts like crazy in the kitchen chair as she watches Kozik place one wall of the house on the cardboard cutout before grabbing the other. In one swift movement he squeezes a line of icing out and places the other wall before grabbing yet another wall.

"Careful, careful the walls are very fragile." She mumbles softly as he places another wall on the cutout.

Kozik laughs lowly before cutting his eyes over at her, "Fragile baby? These things are like bricks, they've been setting on the shelves for weeks."

"They're still fragile, if they're dropped they will break." [Y/N] states while motioning towards the cookies.

"No they won't, here watch," Kozik says as he picks up the final wall and scoots back from the table.

"Koz, don't you dare." She states as her eyes widen.

"I promise you, it won't break." Kozik stars as he drops the cookie onto the hard tiled floor, as soon as it makes contact the cookie shatters into several pieces.

[Y/N] scoots the chair back from the kitchen table, standing she walks around Kozik who's staring at the broken cookie, "No sex for a month Koz, that was the last gingerbread house the store had."

"It wasn't supposed to break!" Kozik shouts from the kitchen, "I'll buy you another one!"

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