F*ck Buddy [Chibs Telford]

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It was common knowledge in the club and in the community that [Y/N] and Chibs were a hot item. The two of them had been pretty hot and heavy for almost a year or so now but she wasn't quite ready for the Old Lady title. To top off the entire cake though, she's David Hale's little sister which is kind of problematic.

David wasn't too happy about the relationship at first, but he grew to understand it and finally accepted it. Deep down inside though, [Y/N] knew that the only reason he was cool with it was because he could use the relationship in an attempt to get leverage. [Y/N] would never betray the club, never besides she knew the consequences of doing so. Being with a Son meant attending some of the largest club parties ever held, and she loved them.

Where there are good things sadly there must be bad, sometimes gut wrenching horrible things. [Y/N] is currently on her to one of the yearly parties excited to finally get to spend some time with her Old Man. She grumpily parks nearly a block away from the clubhouse and decides to jog there in order to save time. As she nears the clubhouse the loud rock music reaches her ears as she's soon swallowed up by the mass of people.

Very carefully she picks her way through the crowd and into the club and finally up to the bar. Half-Sack hands her a beer and is rushing off to fill more orders before she can thank him. Her [e/c] eyes scan the clubhouse in search of Chibs and when she finds him the beer bottle nearly slips from her hand. On one of the couches positioned against one of the back walls she finds a crow water straddling Chibs lap. It was normal for a crow water to make a pass, but not engage and she was fine with that.

The thing that sets her blood on fire is the fact that Chibs has his hands firmly plastered on her ass and he's kissing her. [Y/N] downs the rest of her beer before slamming the bottle on the counter and without hesitation begins to make her way over to the two of them. As she crosses the floor her eyes lock onto the back of the crow eater and as she nears them she's intercepted by Jax.

"[Y/N], I know it looks bad but you don't have to go over there." Jax states loud enough for her to hear, their eyes locking.

She scoffs and briefly looks back over to the two, "Jax, I respect the hell out of you but if you don't let me go take care of that problem..."

"Just, just don't start a brawl. It's been a damn good night so far." He replies, a pleading look evident in his eyes.

"No promises, but I'll try to be on my best behavior." [Y/N] says before stepping around him. She covers the rest of the floor in no time and she comes to a stop next to the couch before leaning down next to Chibs so that she can whisper into his ear.

She hesitates for a moment but plunges on, "So it's all been a ruse who Chibs?"

The question startled the Scottish man and he nearly flings the crow eater to the floor. [Y/N] returns to a standing position as a loon of disgust washes over his face.

"Baby, when did ya get here?" Chibs questions feigning innocence as the crow eater continues sitting on his lap.

"A few moments ago Chibs, but it's pretty obvious that you were just using me as a fuck buddy and to protect your ass from David." She spits back, that look of disgust vanishing and being replaced with blinding anger.

"That's not... That's not true." Chibs replies in an attempt to recover from the blow, "I love you."

"Clearly, have a good life Chibs." [Y/N] states before turning and exiting the clubhouse. She sprints back to her car as tears stream down her face unaware of how fast Chibs was chasing after her.

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