Wrong Brother [Happy Lowman]

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With her arms folded across her chest [Y/N] watches as Opie quickly tosses her bags into the back of her car. Neither of them speak as he rushes back to the house to make sure he's gotten everything and to lock up. Opie hurries back down to where [Y/N] is standing on the sidewalk making sure to close the rear door as he goes.

"Opie, do I have really have to go?" She whines while turning to look at her older brother, "I know everyone gets a little worried when things start to heat up for the club, but is it necessary for me to go on lockdown?"

"Do you really need an answer? Besides you know pop would lose his shit if he found out I didn't bring you in." Opie replies with a small smile, "Jax will be there, that's some consolation right?"

[Y/N] cuts her eyes away from Opie as she walks past him to the driver side of the car, "After all this time Ope and you and everyone else still think i'm pining after Jax."

"Wait, you don't like Jax?" Opie questions as he spins around to look at her. [Y/N] shakes her head know as she pulls open the door of her car, her cheeks burning a bright red at the thought of him.

"Wrong brother Opie, keep trying." She states before sliding into her car and after starting it up she backs down the drive a bit, "now, are you going to escort me to the club or do I need to handle it myself."

Opie rolls his eyes and makes his way over to his bike and climbs on, after securing his helmet he pulls out onto the street. [Y/N] let's Opie get a head start before following after him and the drive to the club went smoothly. Once they're at the clubhouse house the crows help take her bags in and help her get settled. The day slips into night without any trouble, but no matter how hard she tries [Y/N] just can't fall asleep. She quietly slips from one of the apartments and down the hallway towards the kitchen.

As [Y/N] rounds the corner she runs smack into someone or something, she gasps and stumbles backwards. If not for the mysterious individual grabbing her wrists she would have fell hard on her ass and smacked her head on the wall. The person pulls her up so that's she's standing as a light flickers on flooding the small area allowing her to see her savior. The moment her [e/c] eyes settle on Happy's face her heart skips a beat as her cheeks flush a bright red.

"T-thanks for catching me Happy." [Y/N] mutters softly expecting Happy to just brush past her.

"You're welcome [Y/N], don't want you getting hurt." Happy states as he brushes a a few strands of hair out her eyes, "have a good night."

With that he steps around [Y/N] and disappears into the clubhouse leaving her flustered and wanting more. A soft cough nearly has her screaming but once she notices it's Opie she clutched her chest and steadies her breathing.

"Interesting, my little sister has a thing for the Tacoma Killer." Opie states in a sing-songy voice as he slips into the kitchen.

"Shut up!" [Y/N] hisses as she hurries back to her room.

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