Bad Girl [Jax Teller]

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Rating: NSFW

Warnings: Language, sexual innuendos, hints of a dom/sun relationship.
Jax made damn sure to lay down some ground rules for [Y/N] before leaving for the run. Under normal circumstances she would have followed them without question, but deep down inside he understands why she broke the most important rule. The last time he saw her was two weeks ago, granted they spoke over the phone and had even shared some very promiscuous texts but there was no physical contact. So naturally it wasn't a shock to find [Y/N] sprawled out over the bed completely naked, eyes closed tight in concentration with her hand buried between her legs.

He doesn't make his presence known right away, no he decides he's going to take in the whole scene. Jax leans against the doorframe, his eyes focus on [Y/N]'s gorgeous face. From her red cheeks, her body's own natural reaction to the pleasure, to her mouth which is slightly agape allowing little moans to escape. With everything that's unfolding in front of him it takes all of his willpower not to just jump her and devour her. Each passing minute makes it harder and harder to think and his now half erected cock is straining against his pants.
Jax knows he must punish [Y/N] for breaking the no touching rule and he knows exactly how he's going to do it.

Before he can put his plan into action [Y/N] moans his name and it sends his head spinning. Jax forces himself off of the doorframe and further into the room making sure to kick the door closed behind him. The sound scares the shit out of [Y/N] causing her to jump up into a sitting position on the bed while using her arms as a failed attempt to cover herself. Her [e/c] eyes go wide at the sight of Jax, her mind obviously fumbling to create a sentence that her mouth just can't keep up with.

"Jesus fucking Christ! You scared the fuck out of me Jax, how about next time you trying knocking first." [Y/N] spits out before realization dawns on her. She knows there's no use backpedaling and trying to smooth the situation over, she's been caught red handed and there's no turning back.

Jax quirks an eyebrow as he saunters closer to the bed and just before he reaches it he quickly sheds his shirt. He's unsure where the piece of clothing lands since his full attention is on [Y/N], "Care to repeat that little girl?"

"No." [Y/N] mumbles lowly as she quickly diverts her eyes to somewhere else.

"No what?" Jax questions, pressing her further as he places one knee on the bed and leans forward his hands locking around her ankles.

He waits patiently for her answer but when he doesn't get it within an appropriate amount of time jerks her down the bed towards him. [Y/N] lets out a startled scream that abruptly ends when she comes to a stop and realizes that Jax is now hovering over her, their faces inches apart.

"[Y/N], i'm only going to ask once more, no what?" He asks, his eyes boring into hers. Jax can tell she's contemplating whether or not she wants to be snarky or actually do as requested.

"No sir." She finally breathes out, her chest now rising and falling in a fast manner. Jax nods slowly before closing the space between them, he gingerly presses his lips against hers before quickly pulling away. He doesn't necessarily want her to feel as if she's off the hook considering her punishment is just starting.

For a moment he breaks eye contact and glances over at his bedside table as an idea comes to mind. In one fluid movement he pushes himself back up into a standing position and throws a look at [Y/N] which pretty much tells her to stay put. Jax moves over to the bedside table and opens the drawer hoping to find two silk ties lying over to the side. He rummages through a few items before finding the ties but once he has them in hand he slams the drawer and turns back to [Y/N].

"You know i'm going to have to punish you right?" Jax questions as he dangles the scarves in front of her. "You've been a really bad little girl."

He watches as her face down to her upper chest flush bright red, is it from the embarrassment of being caught or the anticipation of what's to come. With a few quick but intricate knots he fastens each tie to the headboard before attaching them to her wrists. The moment he pulls away and takes a step back [Y/N] tugs at the restraints just to test and see how much wiggle room she has.

Jax circles the bed, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth obviously deep in thought, "I had this all planned out in my head you know? I had planned to swoop through the door, scoop you up and have my way with you until you were pretty much begging me to stop."

"I know and i'm sorry I broke the rule, but it's been so long since I've felt your touch." [Y/N] purrs as she strains against the ties wanting nothing more than to touch and caress her Old Man, "so long since your massive cock has stretched me out real good."

For a split second Jax almost abandons his current plan all together because his dick takes over thinking instead of his brain. His eyes roam over her body, taking a little extra time tracing the curves of her breasts-her nipples hard from the being exposed to the chilly air- all the way down to her delicious looking pussy. Slowly he eased himself into the bed sort of hovering over her body, but off to the side so that he can work all kinds of magic.

"I know you're sorry baby, but a punishment is a punishment so i'm going to work you over and over but unfortunately you're not going to get the release you want. Not yet anyway." Jax replies softly as he ghosts his fingers along her collarbone before sliding down between her breasts. He doesn't slack up as he continues down her stomach and across her hips stopping just before reaching her aching folds.

[Y/N]'s skin erupts with goosebumps from his feather like touches and it drives her absolutely mad that he's stopped. In an attempt to egg him on she squirms underneath his touch straining hard against the restraint. Jax presses his hand firmly against her hip to get her to sit still and then he takes the advantage and slides his hand down over her pubic mound. He glides his fingers through her slick folds which earns him a low whine from [Y/N].

"Hold on tight baby, it's going to be a long night." Jax states as he applies just enough pressure on her clit to get her writhing beneath him. A devious smile spreads across his handsome face as he begins to work his magic, his mind racing with how to get her close to edge without sending her over.

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