Love You [Jax Teller]

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The scraping of the wooden chair on the floor pulls [Y/N] out of her day dream as her [e/c] eyes immediately find Jax who is shouldering on his kutte.

"Thank you for the lovely breakfast [Y/N], but I've got to hit the road." Jax states as he walks over to her and leans down to press a soft kiss on her forehead.

"You're welcome Jax, make sure you call me at least once on this run. Nearly gave me a coronary on the last one." She replies as Jax bursts out into a hearty laugh.

"Of course I will, no, I promise I will call you nightly. Besides I need a beautiful face to come home to." He replies while stealing a piece of bacon off of her plate, "by the way, I love you."

"I love you too Jax Teller, but if I can be honest for a moment." [Y/N ] replies, "being in love with you scares the ever living shit out of me."

"Hey, hey there's no reason for you to be scared," Jax states as he squats down in front of her, placing his hands on her thighs, "I'll protect you to the end of days baby girl, so don't you worry your pretty little head."

"I know, now if you don't hurry Clay will have a conniption fit." She replies as he stands up and captures her lips in a soft kiss.

"Right you are, I'll call you tonight baby have a good day." He replies before hurrying out the door.

"You too," she mumbles before returning to her half eaten breakfast.

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