Ice Skating [Happy Lowman]

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Happy stares begrudgingly at the ice skates in [Y/N]'s hands before taking them from her. Once she has her own in hand the two of them make their way over to a free bench by the rink. [Y/N] quickly pulls her skates on and laces them up while Happy slowly kicks off one of his boots.

"Come on Hap, this will be fun." [Y/N] states while adjusting her scarf and hat.

"Yeah, whatever." Happy replies as he pulls the skate on. [Y/N] puddles with a loose strand of hair while watching her Old Man get ready, her thoughts running wild and free.

"Hey Happy, if you come skate with me I'll do that thing you absolutely love." [Y/N] mumbles lowly so that he'd be the only one to hear her.

Happy's head shoots up as his eyes find her eyes, "The thing that's usually reserved for Valentines Day and birthdays?"

A devious smirk slinks across her face as she nods her head yes. He quickly kicks off his other boot and pulls on the other skate before grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet.

"Let's go!" Happy states as they wobble towards the ice rink.

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