Secret [Jax Teller and Opie Winston]

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One could say moving from one place to the next was extremely hard, but for [Y/N] it was pretty much like riding a bike. The hardest thing for her to accept though, was her father Kozik deciding to patch in with the Charming boys. She's always known they were more extreme than the charter he was currently patched with, but that didn't stop him.

So now here they are settling in to a new house in a new town and connecting with the club. Now, Kozik told all sorts of stories to [Y/N] as she was growing up and learning about the world. But the two most memorable were of some of the younger Sons- Jax and Opie. Kozik even managed to land her a job at the garage helping Gemma.

By working at the garage it gives her full access to Jax and Opie and she is loving it. At this very moment she is sitting behind the desk staring out into the garage where both men happen to be working. Her eyes are glazed over as she watches them sweat away under the California sun and flex as they work tirelessly on a truck. [Y/N]'s concentration is broken as a brown paper sack is dropped in front of her.

"Like what you see baby girl?" Gemma questions as she settles down on the couch across from her. [Y/N] coughs as her face turns a bright red as she fumbles with the bag.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She mumbles while digging out her sandwich as a loud clang echoes throughout the shop.

Gemma clicks her tongue as she follows suit, "sure you do, but which one is it. Jax?"

[Y/N] doesn't reply as Gemma continues to watch her closely, disappointed that she doesn't get an reaction from the young girl.

"Oh, what about Opie?" Gemma presses as she opens her sandwich, "or better yet, both of them?"

[Y/N] spins the chair around as her hands tightly grip the armrests, her barrier crumbling, "P-please, just forget about it."

Gemma laughs loudly as a delightful smile settles on her face, "Oh sweetheart, your secret is safe with me. Just remember, don't go breaking any hearts."

"What secret?" Jax questions as he an Opie walk into the office obviously searching out a reason to take a break.

"Nothing." [Y/N] squeaks as she turns back around, studying the computer sitting in front of her. Jax chuckles as he drops down beside Gemma as Opie takes up residence on the corner of the desk.

"Sure about that?" Opie asks as his eyes dart from [Y/N] to Gemma.

"Absolutely, now why don't you two run on back to work and quit pestering the two of us." Gemma states as she pats Jax's knee.

Jax and Opie grumble under their breaths as the two of them stand and disappear back into the garage. Gemma nods at [Y/N] as the two eat their lunch in silence, thoughts swirling inside her head.

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