Spider [Jax Teller]

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A mission was declared the moment [Y/N] laid eyes on the eight legged nightmare. She dives for the nearest shoe, but the moment she looks back over ready to take action the nightmare has vanished. Her heart sinks and she quickly scrambled away from where she saw the beast and begins frantically searching for her cellphone. Within seconds she dials Jax's number and prays that he picks up, unfortunately she gets his voicemail.

"Baby; if you're free I need you to safely speed home and vanquish a demon for me. It's the size of a fucking subway rat and it's loose in the house. If you do this for me I'll gladly reward you with sex every night for an entire month. Please hurry, it could potentially eat me." She pleases before ending the call hoping and praying that the beautiful blonde would actually check his voicemail.

A couple of hours pass and [Y/N] has managed to steer clear of the kitchen but hunger inevitably gets the best of her. Before stepping a toe on the linoleum she eyes every crack and crevice she can physically see. Her respiratory rate picks up as she nears the refrigerator fearing the worst so she quickly yanks it open and fishes out sandwich materials. In a flash's she yanks the bread out of the bread pantry and places it on the table before retrieving a plate from the drying rack.

As she creeps back towards the table she feels something tickle along the skin of her hand. [Y/N]'s eyes widen to the size of saucers as she turns her hand over, her heart hammers against her chest as she stares at the evil eight legged demon. A squeal pierces the air as she slings the plate across the room shattering on impact as she dances up and down trying to sling the creature off. After a moment she looks and realizes that it's no longer there so she forgoes the meal and retreats to the living room once more.

Her [e/c] eyes dart back and forth as her mind races while her stomach growls loudly wanting food. She reaches for her phone once more to see if she missed Jax's phone call during her freakout only to be disappointed. For a split second she considers calling Gemma but decides against it and starts punching In Jax's number once more. But before she can hit dial the front door opens and the man himself comes walking in wearing a very familiar and infamous shit eating grin.

"About damn time Jackson!" [Y/N] shrieks from the couch that she's defending with the fly swatter.

"Sorry, sorry it's been a busy day. Now where's this subway spider?" Jax questions as he shrugs out of his kutte before tossing it onto the back of the couch.

"In the kitchen, it's massive Jax so please be careful." [Y/N] states firmly as he begins to creep into the kitchen in search of her tormentor. The entire house falls silent as Jax searches frivolously for the damned thing and then out of the blue a loud bang echoes through the house.

"Demond vanquished," Jax shouts from the kitchen, for a moment she questions the way he says it but brushes it off and hops off the couch. As she rounds the corner she notices black pepper like things scattered across the floor and wonders why he used the pepper shaker.

"That enough seasoning for you?" She asks as she takes notice to the "pepper" moving along the floor.

"Baby, don't be mad but that's not pepper." Jax replies as he takes a step towards her hands outstretched in a calming manner.

"Jax, what is that on my floor?" She asks shakily, fear creeping up once more.

"Babies." Jax states.

"Burn this bitch down, i'm out!"  [Y/N] screeches as she yanks herself from his hands and bolts for the front door.

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