Halloween [Tig Trager]

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Halloween, the one time a year children can dress up as anything the they want- doctors, policemen, cowboys, witches, you name it. Plus, it just so happens to be [Y/N]'s favorite holiday, not because of the creepy decorations or the children's nonstop laughter. No, Halloween was her favorite holiday because of one very sweet thing: candy.

Over the years she'd become very crafty with the way she handed out the goods, passing out her least favorites first and keeping the others for later. It also didn't take very long for her better half to catch on either and he quickly shut that shit down, or so he thought.

"Baby, I know you have this killer sweet tooth but this is the third bag of candy this week." Tig states as he steps out of the kitchen brandishing an empty bag of assorted candies.

"Hey, I've only had three of them... every hour." She replies with a soft smile.

Tig blankly stares at her before shaking his head and disappearing into the kitchen to do who knows what. After a few quiet minutes he exits and plops down on the couch beside her, resting his arm behind her head.

"Tell ya what, Halloween is two days away. If you can go those two days without so much as a piece of candy I'll uh do that thing you like oh so much." Tigger says as he works his fingers into [Y/N]'s hair.

She narrows her eyes as she looks at him, "Bet, I can even go through the whole day of Halloween without so much as a piece of candy."

He chuckles softly before placing a light kiss on her temple, "Alright baby girl, it's a bet."

Part two?

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