Holidays Away [Juice Ortiz]

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Day Two of my annual 25 Days Of SOA
Juice eyes the clock on the wall hoping that there's enough busy work to make the day go by faster which unfortunately is not the case. A frown slowly settles onto his face as he realizes that it's still a long ways off until he can see her beautiful face. Lunch creeps up and slides on by and then the gates come flying open and the garage is slammed with business. With a heavy sigh he slams the hood of another car as Gemma walks up with the owner who takes a receipt and climbs into the car.

"What time is [Y/N] supposed to call?" Gemma questions as Juice wipes his greasy hands on his very dirty pants.

"Around six, which is," he mumbles while glancing over at the clock once more, "here very soon."

"I'm completely okay if you want to take off early and go tidy up." Gemma replies with a smile, "just make sure to give my love when you do talk to her."

"You sure? We're still pretty backed up here." Juice questions as he studies her face searching for any hidden actions.

"Boy if you don't go get ready to skype with [Y/N]." Gemma replies with a laugh. Juice nods and takes off out of the garage and over to the clubhouse where he makes a beeline to the bathroom. After washing his hands and making sure his face is clean he grabs up his computer and retreats to one of the apartments.

By the time he gets situated and opens his computer and connects to the internet it's six o'clock. A few minutes pass and Juice becomes nervous but then out of the blue a notification pops up with [Y/N]'s face. He excitedly clicks on it and the video chat pops up allowing him to see her and some of the background behind her.

"Hey." Juice mumbles as a huge smile breaks out across his face.

"Hey baby!" [Y/N] chirps back happily with a smile and a small wave as the video bounces around some, "Sorry, having to chat while on the move. How are you?"

"I'm okay, still sad that you won't be home for Christmas." He responds, the smile slipping from her face as the video is jarred around once more.

"I know and i'm sorry, but I'll be home soon." [Y/N] states while steadying the video device, "I did get your care package the other day and I absolutely loved it, thanks so much."

"Yeah? Gemma helped me put it together and she also sends her love." He replies with a soft laugh while nervously rubbing his cheek.

"You two are way too good to me, have you decorated yet?" [Y/N] questions, "has it snowed?"

"Yes and no, not yet." He replies as a loud honking erupts in the background of the video. A frown takes over [Y/N]'s face as she studies something out of Juices view.

"Baby, i'm gonna have to go for now but I love you!" She states just as the video cuts out leaving him sitting there alone once more.

"Love you too." He mumbles while slamming the computer closed.

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