Happy Father's Day [Happy Lowman and Juice Ortiz]

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[Y/N] stares blankly at the window as the first rays of sunshine spill through the curtains signaling that a new day has arrived. She lazily looks over at Happy and notices that he's still sound asleep before turning and doing the same thing to Juice. With a huff she sits straight up in bed and rolls her [e/c] eyes as a devilish thought comes to mind.

Very carefully she reaches across Juice's body to check her phone wanting to make damn sure the date is correct. The quick search on google has her biting down on her tongue to keep from screaming out in joy, she was right it is Father's Day. After setting her phone back down she slowly spins around on the bed so that she's facing the headboard and begins to pull the sheet back. As soon as she sees the top of their boxers she stops pulling the sheet and gently places a hand above each of their waistbands.

[Y/N] hesitates for a moment before slipping her hands down their boxers where she eagerly wraps her fingers around their cocks. She bites down on her bottom lip as she gently squeezes their cocks before she slowly begins to pump them. From her left she hears Juice groan lowly as he stirs from his deep slumber, his cock hardening under her touch. A giggle escapes her as she continues her ministrations wanting to both pleasure and be pleasures later on.

After a few more pumps [Y/N] forces Happy's boxers down just enough so that she can swipe her tongue over the tip of his cock. Happy groans as he bucks his hips obviously not expecting that kind of attention this early in the morning. She giggles again before sliding his cock into her mouth, the tip hitting the back of her throat. Without warning she begins to bob her head up and down taking more and more of his cock as she does so while continuing to jack odd Juice. By now the two men are awake and fully aroused as [Y/N] pulls away from Happy's cock giving it one final swipe with her tongue.

She leans back on her heels to look at the two who are still groggy but yet have lust filled eyes, "good morning boys, I hope you've enjoyed your Father's Day breakfast so far."

"Little girl, you know damn well I have a ravenous appetite." Happy states as he runs his hand up her thigh and along her already soaked panties, "i'm sure Juice is starving as well."

"I was hoping you were," [Y/N] replies as she leans over to free Juice of his boxers and administer the same treatment she gave to Happy. She runs her tongue under his cock from his balls to the tip before taking as much of it into her mouth as she can. Juice tangles his fingers in [Y/N]'s hair as she begins to set a fast and slow rhythm of head bobbing. Happy sits up in the bed making sure to discard his boxers before grabbing [Y/N]'s ass and landing a hard blow on one of her clothed ass cheeks. She groans around Juices cock which earns a hearty moan from Juice who then roughly tugs her hair.

As [Y/N] continues to suck off Juice, Happy pulls her panties down so that he can run his fingers along her slick folds. He settles his fingers on her clit where he begins to rub gentle circles around it earning yet another groan from her. Juice moans loudly getting closer and closer to blowing his load, [Y/N] can sense it as well and begins to massage his balls edging him closer. Happy lands another open hand blow on her ass before dipping one finger followed by another into her aching pussy. Finally her work pays off as Juice is pushed over the edge, his cum fills her mouth and she tries her best to swallow all of it.

[Y/N] releases Juices cock as Happy begins to finger her slowly, but soon begins to pick up the pace. Her mind slowly becomes foggy as her own orgasm begins to build deep inside of her. Juice pushes himself up onto one of his elbows before leaning forward to place a kiss on [Y/N]'s lips.

"Such a good girl," Happy growls out as he pulls his slick covered fingers from her pussy and bringing them up to his mouth, "bet you taste delicious."

"Agreed, wanna ride my face baby?" Juice asks in between light kisses. [Y/N] nods happily as Juice readjusts himself in the middle of the bed as she crawls forward in order to straddle his face. Juice wastes no time as she settles herself over his face and before she can prepare herself he runs his tongue over her sensitive folds.

"F-fuck." She groans out as Juice runs tongue over her clit a couple of times before dipping it into her aching pussy. A low moan rolls off her lips as Juice sets to work eating her out, the sensation throws her upper body forward and she grabs the headboard for support. Happy grunts off to her right and when she looks over at him she finds him jacking off obviously enjoying the sight in front of.

With the pace Juice has set [Y/N] feels the coil in her belly tighten until it finally snaps sending her body into bliss. Her eyes roll back into her head as a loud moan bursts forth, Juice helps her through her orgasm as Happy blows his load. [Y/N] rolls off of Juice and into the bed beside him trying hard to catch her breath as Happy grabs her legs and pulls her body towards him.

She giggles softly as Happy leans forward to press a kiss to her lips. The soft kiss quickly turns into a make out session as Happy becomes hard yet again, [Y/N] wraps her fingers around her shaft and lines it up with her pussy. Happy gets the idea and pushes his cock into her earning a moan from her in return. After a few moments of adjustment she wraps her legs around Happy's waist.

He starts out with a slow pace, the two of them enjoying the moment between them. The coil deep inside of her begins to tighten yet again as Happy starts to switch up his pace from slow to fast, fucking her into the mattress. [Y/N] locks eyes with Juice as he jacks himself off once more and the moment Happy comes in contact with a specific spot the coil snaps.

"H-Happy!" [Y/N] cries out as another orgasm washes over her body, stars dance before her eyes as Happy follows her down the tunnel of bliss. He pumps her pussy a couple of more times before pulling out and rolling onto the bed beside her. Juice grunts as he cums once more, the three of them remain quiet for some time trying to compose themselves.

"Damn." Juice finally states as he fumbles around on the bed trying to find your hand so that he can hold it.

[Y/N] giggles softly while intertwining their fingers, "hope you boys aren't too tired."

"Never." Happy rumbles out while draping an arm around her waist, "we've got all damn day."

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