Self Conscious [Tig Trager]

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Even from where she's sitting at the kitchen table [Y/N] can see the date circled numerous times on the calendar. Gemma's big family dinner was fast approaching and she was extremely hesitant about going. Granted she's already met some of the guys in passing, hard not to run into them from time to time, but this is a formal family thing. That of course means that she must wear something fancy, but she's downright terrified of showing off her body. [Y/N] loves everything about herself, but she has a few very noticeable scars that she prefers to hide.

[Y/N] is so lost in thought that she doesn't realize that Tig comes walking through the door humming and makes a beeline to the refrigerator. The sound of the chair scraping on the floor causes her to jump and look over at Tig who happily sits down at the table with a beer and a snack.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Tig questions as he opens the bottle of beer and takes a long swig.

"Nothing." [Y/N] replies as she cuts her eyes away from Tig and back down to the bills spread out in front of her.

"You do know I can tell when you're not telling me the truth right?" Tig replies softly as he reaches across the table in order to grab her hand with his, "so come on, spill the beans."

She hesitates for a moment, but then decides to go ahead, "I-I'm just nervous about the family dinner is all."

"Why? Everyone's going to love you baby and i'll be with you every step of the way." Tig replies with a soft smile, "nothing bad is going to happen to you I promise."

"It's not that Tiggy, I'm just not comfortable with everyone seeing these hideous scars!" [Y/N] snaps as she yanks her hand free from his and stands up from the table in a flurry, "they're very noticeable and they make me feel gross and ugly!"

Tigs facial expression turns from shock to anger as he too stands up from the table in order to walk over to her, "Stop! Stop that nonsense right now [Y/N]! You're beautiful just the way you are and everyone has scars, yes yours are a little more noticeable but who cares?"

"I care!" [Y/N] shouts back as Tig grabs her arms and pulls her in for a hug even though she struggles against him, but she eventually gives in and allows him to pull her into his chest.

"They tell stories baby, even if they're bad." Tig replies softly as [Y/N] lets out a low sob, tears begin to well up and spill over onto her cheeks, "I just don't want you to put yourself down over something that tells the world that you're a fighter. I love you too much to let you do that baby, we can skip the dinner if you want. Not gonna force you to go if you don't want to."

"N-no, I don't want to miss something that means a lot to you." [Y/N] states, "I-I just need a little help."

"Then i'll give you all the help you need baby." Tig replies.

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