Welcome To Fatherhood [Jax Teller Part One]

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"Are you sure?" Jax questions as he tucks some stray hairs behind [Y/N]'s ear. A smile breaks out across her face as she leans in and presses her lips against his.

"Yes, we already have one precious boy, so let's add another one to the mix." [Y/N] replies as her hands drift down his chest and towards the belt buckle that's peeking out from under his sweatshirt, "besides, you're already a great father."

"Mm-hm, i'm pretty sure you just like to see me naked." Jax murmurs as his hands cup her face before pulling her in for a very heated kiss. Ever so slowly one of his hands slides from her cheek and entangles itself in her hair, giving it a little tug he earns himself a moan.

[Y/N] makes quick work of his belt and begins to unbutton his pants as he begins to roughly tug at her shirt. She stops fiddling with the button and allows him to pull her shirt off before starting on her bra, before she can register what he's working on her breasts fall free.

"You're so damn beautiful [Y/N]." Jax states as he gently cups one of her breasts, squeezing it as he does so. [Y/N] moans softly as Jax moves from that breast to the other before nudging her to lay back on the bed. She does so and as Jax fixes himself over her she attacks what clothes he's wearing, unbuttoning, pulling and pushing until all he's wearing is his boxers.

She lifts her head and presses her lips against his again as he trails a hand down her abdomen towards her covered pussy. He slips his hand underneath the waistband, his fingertips brushing over her sensitive folds causing her to gasp.

"Look at you, already so wet and ready." Jax mumbles as he kisses down her neck.

"F-fuck Jax, stop your teasing." [Y/N] spits out as his fingers find her clit, she gasps loudly as he begins to circle it before dipping a couple of fingers into her dripping sex.

"Tell me what you want then," Jax states as he ducks one of her nipples into his mouth.

"Just fuck me silly." She replies as she tugs his boxers down so that his erection is free, "we can make love later, for now I just need you."

"Yes ma'am." Jax replies as he yanks her panties off and tosses them over his shoulder, kicking his boxers off he strokes his cock a couple of times before easing the tip into her pussy. [Y/N] moans loudly as he pushes the rest of the way in, giving her a second to adjust before starting out with a slow pace.

Jax sets a steady pace as [Y/N] wraps her arms around him while hooking one of her legs on his hip. A breathy moan escapes [Y/N] as Jax hits the right spot and her nails dig softly into his back. His thrusts start to become erratic as they both edge closer and close to their climax.

"I love you Jax Teller." [Y/N] whispers as the knot that's been building in her starts to unfurl, ecstasy flooding her body.

"I love you too," Jax replies as he too reaches his climax, spilling his seed into [Y/N]. The two of them pull apart and fall onto the bed next to one another as they try to catch their breath.

"Round two we can take more slowly, no we will take more slowly." [Y/N] states as she looks over at him.

"Sounds like a plan." Jax replies with a chuckle which turns into him laughing which causes her to smile then break out into laughter.

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