Perfect [Happy Lowman]

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In a hurry [Y/N] parts her daughters hair down the middle in order to create the pigtails she demanded earlier that morning. All the while [Y/D/N] continues to watch Dora, not missing a beat to any of the songs that Dora and Boots sing. 

"Okay," she says a ladder making one more twist in the ponytail holder, "I think that will do, now let's go eat baby you've got a big day at school today."

"Okay mommy." [Y/D/N] replies as the two of them stand up and make their way to the kitchen hand in hand. [Y/N] helps her child up into a chair at the table before grabbing the needed things to make cereal. She fixes a bowl of cereal for her daughter before packing a quick lunch for her to take to school.

A flash of yellow catches her attention forcing her to look up from what she's doing only to notice the bus pulling up, "Bus is here."

"Yay!" [Y/D/N] cries out as she hops down from the chair, grabbing her lunch as she goes. They both walk outside to where the bus is waiting and before hopping on [Y/N] makes sure that [Y/D/N] has her backpack.

"Alright, have fun at school and be good." She says while placing a light kiss on her forehead, "I'll be right here waiting on you this afternoon."

"Okay mommy, will Mr. Happy be here too?" [Y/D/N] asks, her [e/c] eyes boring into [Y/N]'s.

[Y/N] is startled for a second before a smile breaks out into her face, "Maybe, depends on how the day goes."

With that she turns her daughter around and pushes her up the steps, stepping back she watches her climb up onto her seat. The bus driver honks the horn at her before pulling away and disappearing down the road. She watches the bus until she can't see it any longer just as an all too familiar road meets her ears.

As she makes her way back to the front porch Happy pulls into the driveway on his motorcycle. Happy pulls his helmet off and drops it on one of the handle bars before walking over to where she's standing.

"Good morning," [Y/N] mutters as he drops one hand on her waist and places the other on her left cheek.

"Morning," he replies before placing a heated kiss on her lips. She caves inward and returns the kiss, before long the two of them are parting ways due to the need of air.

[Y/N] grabs the hand that's on her waist before pulling him inside of the house where they both collapse one the sofa. Happy buries his head in the crook of her neck while drawing circles on some of her exposed skin with his thumb.

"[Y/D/N] has finally decided she would like to meet you, that is if you're still up to it." [Y/N] says softly while fiddling with his kutte.

He hums against the base of her ear, "I would absolutely love to meet her."

She chuckles softly, "great she'll be so enthusiastic when she gets home from school. Are you heading into work today or just now getting done?"

"Just now getting off," Happy replies as he pulls her tighter against his body, "all I want to do is sleep and catch up with my Old Lady."

[Y/N] pats his cheek softly before unwinding herself from him, "well Mr. Lowman, why not go claim the bed and I'll be in there shortly. I've just got to tidy up some things, but a nap does sound good."

"Fine," Happy whines as he pulls himself up and makes his way to the bedroom. [Y/N] waits in anticipation to hear the door close before she springs into action. In a flash she begins putting together a roast for dinner before sprinting around the house in a hurry cleaning. Before she knows it the clock above the stove is screaming ten past three, so she stops what she's doing and hurried outside.

As soon as she steps out into the porch the bus pulls up and her ecstatic daughter comes flying off the bus. In a flash [Y/D/N] is clinging to her waist and laughing while wearing a huge grin.

"Welcome home, did you have a good day?" [Y/N] questions as she ushers [Y/D/N] into the house.

"It was great mommy! We got to see all kinds of snakes." She chirps excitedly while dropping her backpack on the coffee table, "we even got to hold one!"

"Oh wow, that's so cool baby." She replies, "but you know what else is cool?"

"What?" [Y/D/N] questions as she bounces up and down.

"Mr. Happy is here and will be joining us for dinner, is that okay with you?" [Y/N] questions as her daughters face goes bright red.

[Y/D/N] nods her head in a shy manner before replying, "Y-Yes ma'am, that's perfectly fine."

"Great, why don't you go wash your hands and start on your homework." She replies before her daughter takes off to the bathroom. [Y/N] sighs happily before disappearing back into the kitchen to see if everything was just about done.

A couple of hours later [Y/N] is setting up the table for dinner as [Y/D/N] finishes up her homework. Around the corner slinks Happy who's rubbing sleep out of his eyes and a smile breaks out across her face.

"Hey sleepy head, there's someone I'd like for you to meet." [Y/N] states happily as [Y/D/N]'a head snaps up from her books as her face goes bright red.

"Really?" Happy questions, feigning surprise.

"Yes," she replies as she walks over to her daughter and gently tugs her out of her chair so that she can look at him, "Happy, this is [Y/D/N]."

"Hello [Y/D/N], it's so good to finally meet you." Happy states while holding out his hand for her to shake. Reluctantly [Y/D/N] takes Happy's hand and shakes it before quickly letting it go and hurrying behind [Y/N] in order to hide. Happy me [Y/N] laugh lightly before the three of them sit down at the table for a good meal, where from time to time [Y/D/N] would speak to Happy.

Several months pass by and over that time [Y/D/N] and Happy became closer and closer. At the same time the club became very aware of how protective the Tacoma Killer can become over a small child and how much of a soft side he has.

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