Mistake [Tig Trager]

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There was no phone call, no face to face not even a goddamn letter all he sent was a fucking text. A lousy fucking text message ending a two year relationship that she took pride in building. Needless to say by the time Gemma stopped by the house that day, [Y/N] was two bottles deep in wine and was ready to throw hands.

After what seems like hours of sobbing [Y/N] finally sobers up and calms down enough to speak to her friend. The two of them sit on the couch in silence until Gemma finally breaks the silence.

"So, you wanna talk about that cryptic voicemail you left me?" Gemma questions while nursing her own glass of wine.

[Y/N] laughs softly, her eyes trail to a window near by letting in some rays of sun, "Tig sent me a fucking breakup text Gem. He apparently doesn't have the balls to do it face to face."

"Oh... Oh!" Gemma exclaims loudly as realization dawns on her, "i'm sorry baby, i'm sure he's only doing it to protect you."

"I would have preferred to be told up front so that I could have followed up with a slap." [Y/N] replies blandly while polishing off some more of the wine.

Gemma hesitated but then reaches for her own phone, "what you need is a rebound and I've got just the guy for you."

"Gem, it's too early for that." She replies with a light laugh.

"Oh no honey, it's never too early for a new man who might be able to just knock your socks off." Gemma states while scrolling through her contacts until she comes to the right name. In a flash she rips off a corner of a magazine and grabs a pen from the coffee table to jot down the number. Once she's done she passes it over to [Y/N] who takes the piece of paper and fiddles with it before deciding to give the guy a call.

Turns out Gemma was right about the guy, he was quite the charmer and it didn't take long for [Y/N] to get hooked. Her heart of course still belongs to Tig, but she needs some stability and this guy gave it to her. A couple of months into the new found relationship and they just so happen to stumble into the one and only Tig. The moment her eyes land on she jerks back bringing her date to a grinding halt.

"I've got a better idea, why don't we hit up the old diner down on main and then catch a movie?" [Y/N] questions as she attempts to hide herself from Tig.

"But you've been looking forward to dancing and stopping off at the new ice cream parlor." He replies with a light smile before encouraging her further down the sidewalk. Before she can protest her eyes connect with Tig's and she watches as happiness slides into confusion and finally to anger.

[Y/N] jerks back again, but her attempt is futile as Tig makes a beeline over to where they are standing. She curses under her breath as Tig steps up to her date sizing him up before rearing back and landing a sucker punch just under the guys eye. He folds up and lands hard on the ground with a thud anger seeping from the curly haired man.

"Really Tig? Right here, right now in front of every-fucking-body?" [Y/N] screams at Tig as he steps around the guy and grabs her arm dragging her away.

The two of them make it around the corner before [Y/N] jerks roughly away from Tig. It spins around so quick that she staggers backwards when she sees the hurt in his eyes, and for a split second she feels bad. But then the hours of drinking and crying and Gemma comforting comes flooding back and the pity for him disappears completely.

"Who the hell was that?" Tig questions, his hands balling up at his sides.

"My date, that I really should go take care of." [Y/N] replies while turning to walk back over to where they left him unconscious on the sidewalk.

"So i'm that easy to replace huh?" Tig spits back at her and the wound that she has so desperately tried to close rips back open.

"Really Alexander, really? The only fucking reason I am with him in the first place is because you decided to leave me!" [Y/N] screams back attracting the attention of passers by.

"I did it to protect you!" Tig shouts back while taking a step towards her.

"Protect me? You think leaving me was being protective Tig?" She replies, tears spilling down her cheeks, "no, when you left it broke me, I was and still am a fucking mess. You have my heart and no one else is even worthy of having a shot at taking over."

Tig bites his lip before closing the distance between the two of them, pulling her in for a hug, "I was so damn stupid for doing that, I need you so bad and these past few weeks have been really tough."

[Y/N] uses her fists to beat against his sides before giving in and clinging to him, "You're a fucking idiot."

"But i'm your fucking idiot." Tig mumbles, "that is if you'll have me."

"Pull that shit again Tig and I'll murder you myself." [Y/N] states as the ambulance comes a screeching stop down the street.

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