Please [Juice Ortiz]

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The taxi slows down as it nears the clubhouse and [Y/N] can feel his heartbeat quicken as his palms begin to sweat. In reality he shouldn't be nervous to see his father, but for some strange reason he is. [Y/N] fishes out a couple of 20 dollar bills and passes them to the cabby before climbing out with his bags in tow. He takes a few steadying breaths before taking off across the parking lot to the open garage. A head full of curly hair bounces up into his line of sight as a huge smile breaks out across his face.

Once he's close enough to the garage [Y/N] lets out a low whistle before coming to a stop, "Now I know that is not my daddy getting all hot and dirty in this heat?"

Tig's head shoots up and as soon as his eyes land on [Y/N] he breaks out into a sprint towards him. [Y/N] breaks out into laughter and meets him halfway only to be brought in for a massive bear hug.

"My boy, it's so good to see you!" Tig shouts excitedly not choking up on the bear hug, "but what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in Texas at school?"

[Y/N] pulls back to look his dad in the eyes before replying, "Well, a few things have changed pops and I don't particularly plan on going back any time soon."

Tig places a gentle kiss on [Y/N]'s forehead, "whatever happened is in the past. Come on let me introduce you to the boys, you still single?"

[Y/N] breaks out into laughter as Tig drags him into the garage where they come up on two of the boys, "for now pop I am."

"Jax! Juice!" Tig calls out as they walk up to two guys crowded around a newer model Bentley.

"What's up Tig?" The guy with blonde hair questions as he looks away from whatever they're working on.

"Jax this is my son [Y/N], and the one that's acting all shy over there is Juice." Tig replies as he motions from Jax to Juice.

Jax cracks a huge smile before holding out his hand for [Y/N] to shake, "it's nice to finally meet you considering how much Tig talks about Dawn and Fawn."

"Pleasure is all mine," [Y/N] states as he shakes Jax's hand, "pops always goes on and on about those two. Dig the tats Juice, might need a recommendation for some new ink later on.

"Sounds like a plan." Juice replies with a soft smile that catches [Y/N] off guard. [Y/N] brushes ignores the butterflies in his stomach while shifting his gaze back over to Jax.

"Oh shit, where are my manners. While you're in town feel free to use the clubhouse at any time, beers are on the house." Jax states excitedly just as the office door swings open and a very upset woman comes trekking out, "now if you'll excuse me I've got to go take care of my mother."

[Y/N] watches Jax walk away before cutting his eyes back over to Juice who by chance was watching him as well. Tig sighs lowly before digging around in his pockets in search of something and once he finds what he's looking for he pulls out a set of keys.

"Kid it looks like Gem is putting us on a deadline so i'm gonna have Juice here run you over to my place." Tig mumbles with pulling off a single key, "make yourself at home and I'll swing back by later and pick you up for a party."

"Okay, should I be expecting anyone at your place? The last time I came by it was a bit chaotic." [Y/N] replies as he takes the key from Tig.

Tig smiles softly before motioning Juice to come over to where they two of them are standing. Juice begrudgingly makes his way over to where they are and as soon as he's close enough Tig nabs him.

"You should be good, cleaned the place out last night." Tig states as he pulls Juice flush into his body by the arm that's draped around his neck, "hurt my kid Juice and you know full well what'll happen."

"Dad, seriously i'm an adult I can take care of myself." [Y/N] says as Juice shrugs off Tigs arm.

"Heard you loud and clear, you ready?" Juice questions as he settles his gaze on [Y/N] who nods a firm yes. Juice then motions to follow him out of the garage and towards the area where they park their bikes.

[Y/N] slings the bag over his head as Juice passes him a spare helmet, "Thanks, I owe you one."

"You ever ridden on one of these?" Juice asks offhandedly as he throws a leg over his bike and gets situated.

"Yes Juice and it's not the only thing I know how to ride." [Y/N] replies in a short manner as he climbs on behind Juice. He quickly pulls his helmet on just before Juice pulls out of the parking lot. The ride to Tig's apartment is a short and quick one and as soon as Juice has the bike stopped [Y/N] is climbing off.

As he's pulling off the helmet and handing it to Juice he's caught off guard by something the man asks, "why did you come back to Charming? Tig has always spoken highly of you and your achievements, so why come back here?"

[Y/N] chews on his bottom lip before replying, "this stays between you and me Juicy boy. Everything was going great at school until I walked in on my boyfriend getting blown by some guy."

"That sucks, no pun intended." Juice replies earning a smile and laugh from [Y/N] which in turn gets Juice to smiling.

"Thanks, so in the end i'm running from an ex and looking for something new." He replies as Juice fiddles with his gloves.

"New is always fun, it just sounds like you need a committed and reliable man." Juice states while holding eye contact with [Y/N].

[Y/N] nods while placing a hand on his hip, "Right you are Juice, do you by chance know where I can find one like that?"

"Sure do, he'll be waiting on you at the party tonight." Juice replies with a small smirk, "he might even show you the rest of his tattoos if you want."

"Boy you better go on and get back to work before I drag you up them stairs and jump your bones right now." [Y/N] replies as they break out into laughter. Juice winks at [Y/N] before pulling back on the road and heading back to the garage. [Y/N] shakes his head and hurries inside to get settled in and freshened up before the party.

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