Wasn't Me [Happy Lowman and Chibs Telford]

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In the back of her head [Y/N] knows what she's doing is wrong, but at that moment in time it feels so damn right. From where she's kneeling on the floor she watches Happy closely as he shrugs his kutte off and tosses it on the chair near the window. He slowly peels off his shirt followed by unbuckling his belt and pants, her eyes wander over the top half of his body until they settle on his obvious erection.

"Like what you see?" Happy gruffly asks while watching her closely, "cause I gotta say, i'm loving what i'm seeing."

A bright blush settles across her cheeks and down her neck, granted she's a little less clothed than him. The skimpy bra and panties she's wearing really doesn't leave much for the imagination but, if Happy likes it she really can't complain. Happy walks over to where she's waiting his erection already free and ready for her to enjoy. [Y/N] cuts her eyes up to his waiting for his approval, he nods his head at her and she eagerly wraps her hands around his cock.

Without breaking eye contact she leans forward and runs her tongue over the tip of his cock. Happy lets out a pleased groan as his fingers become entangled in her [h/c] hair, a way of encouraging her to continue. She happily obliges by wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock and taking in as much as she can. What she can't fit into her mouth is covered by her hands and once she begins to bob her head back and forth she works her hands in the same fashion.

The sounds that roll off of Happy has [Y/N] working harder and faster to bring him to the edge. As she continues to blow Happy her own arousal begins to build, her panties becoming slick. Happy grips her hair tighter forcing his cock further into her mouth, [Y/N] gags around him as her eyes begin to water.

"Damn girl, your mouth is just so fuckable." Happy states while pickles by up the pace, "gettin real close."

Unbeknownst to the two of them a motorcycle approaches the house and comes to a stop in the driveway. The tears that have welled up in [Y/N]'s eyes spill down over her cheeks, but she doesn't tap out. His thrusts start to become erratic and not too long after that he reaches his orgasm. [Y/N] swallows as much of his load as possible but with Happy continuing to fuck her mouth some of it seeps out down her chin.

Happy pulls out of her mouth allowing her to catch her breath but he continues to keep a hold on her hair. A noise down the hallway catches their attention but the two of them ignore it even though something tells [Y/N] she shouldn't. Happy tugs her on her hair to get her to stand which she does and once they're face to face he pulls her in for a rough kiss. Teeth gnash against one another as Happy trails his free hand from her shoulder down to her waist stopping just shy of her aching core.

After what seems like forever they separate and out of the corner of her eye she sees Chibs standing in the doorway. Happy notices her wariness and looks around until his eyes land on his brother.

"Wha tha bloody hell is goin on here!" Chibs shouts, the beer bottle in his hand shaking.

Happy looks from Chibs to [Y/N] and then back over to Chibs, "I'm sorry brother, but she's just so damn fine. I just couldn't help myself."

"It wasn't me baby, I swear." [Y/N] hoarsely replies with her cheeks flushed red and cum still sliding down her chin. When those words meet his ears something shifts inside of Chibs, he knows he's supposed to be pissed and hurt but he's not. Maybe it's the way [Y/N] looks or the fact that he wants to bend her over and fuck her silly just to prove to both of them who she belongs to.

"We will address the other problem later, but for now yer gonna be punished little girl." Chibs states bluntly while setting the beer down on the bedside table. He quickly removes his shirt and kutte followed by his belt and jeans leaving him in his boxers. Happy turns [Y/N] loose as Chibs grabs her face and pulls her in for another rough kiss. [Y/N] is pretty sure that in the morning her lips would be swollen and bruised, but she didn't care.

The kiss ends abruptly as a devious smirk appears on Chibs face, "Get down on yer knees lass."

[Y/N] does as she's told and sinks back down to her knees, her eyes now on the same level as his erection. Behind her she hears Happy grunt and the bed squeak signaling that he's taken a seat obviously ready for the show. Once more she looks up and waits patiently for Chibs to give her permission to proceed and when he does she pulls his boxers down freeing his erection.

She wastes no time and takes his cock into her mouth, Chibs lets out a low moan as he grabs a fistful of her hair. He holds her head in place as he begins to fuck her face not letting her have any type of control. Tears build up in her eyes as her face becomes flushed red once more, but Chibs doesn't slack up. Pretty sure if a conversation was to be had he'd end up saying that payback is a bitch.

Chibs lets out a loud moan as he climaxes, [Y/N] once more swallows as much as she can. He pulls out of her mouth and collapses against the dresser trying to catch his breath. [Y/N] wiles her face off with the back of her hand before she stands up and turns towards Happy who waves her over. She makes her way over to him and once she's within reach he grabs her hips and pulls her onto his lap.

"Want to feel that tight pussy." Happy mumbles as he shoves her panties to the side, "gonna be so good."

He lines his cock up with her soaked entrance and slides in without any trouble. The two of them loudly and after a few seconds of letting [Y/N] adjust Happy grips her hips and begins to fuck her. Before long [Y/N] takes over and begins moving her hips and riding Happy, he lets his hands wander and one dips between her legs finding her clit. He lazily circles her clit with his thumb, the sensation nearly driving her crazy as her orgasm begins to build.

"You're such a dirty slut." Chibs states as he grabs her hair to pull her head back in order to kiss her. Happy continues to rub her clit eliciting moan after moan from her. [Y/N]'s orgasm hits harder and sooner than she expects, she moans loudly her toes curling as Happy follows behind her.

Happy lifts her off of his cock and onto the bed where Chibs rolls her onto her stomach not giving her a chance to recover. He grabs her hips and forces her onto her knees, he then lines his cock up with her already cum filled pussy and slides on in. [Y/N] moans loudly while gripping the bedding beneath her as Chibs begins to fuck her into the mattress.

Another orgasm begins to build up as Chibs relentlessly pounds into her, the only sounds you can hear are moans and skin slapping skin. Chibs thrusts start to become erratic as he too bears his climax, his cock grazes just the right place and she's pushed over the edge. Her orgasm rocks through her body as her eyes roll back into her head as Chibs spills his seed deep inside of her.

Chibs pulls out of her and the two collapse on the bed and the room falls silent except for their breathing. [Y/N] knows she's royally fucked up, but that can be dealt with later even if their relationship falls apart.

"Glad it was you brother." Chibs groans out as Happy falls back on the bed, "rather it be someone I know versus some piss any off the street."

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