One Time [Jax Teller and Opie Winston]

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The moment Jax laid eyes on [Y/N] at the clubhouse he knew that it was going to a wild fucking night. Out of all of the outfits she owns she decided to wear this black dress that clung to each and every curve of her body. To add onto to he already eye grabbing dress it also has one hell of a neck plunge accentuating her cleavage. Needless to say it was enough to get Jax riled up for some fun, and let's just say his Old Lady was gonna have the night of her life. [Y/N] smiles at Gemma who greets her with a wave, the two of them move over to the bar where it's a tidge more quiet.

"Damn [Y/N], who are you trying to catch tonight?" Gemma questions as she motions to Half-Sack for a couple of beers.

"Oh you know, the usual." She chuckles softly as two firm hands land on her waist and her back makes contact with a familiar chest, "speak and he shall appear."

"Well you two don't get into too much trouble you hear?" Gemma questions as Half-Sack returns with the beers and disappears into the crowd. Jax slips his arms around her waist and leans down next to her ear, his warm breath fanning out over her neck.

"You look down right delectable baby," He says while pressing a light kiss below her ear, "now how about we find a quiet place and let me ravish you."

Her eyes ramble the room for a second before they land on Opie who is currently eyeing her up and down. An idea suddenly pops into her head and she turns slowly in Jax's arms so that she's now facing him.

"Jax, I have a question for you." [Y/N] states while running her hands up his chest, finally letting them come to a rest on his shoulders.

"I'm listening," he replies as he leans in closer to her, their foreheads almost touching, "very closely."

A smile breaks out across her face, "remember that agreement we had? The one where we each get to bring someone into bed for a one time night of fun?"

Jax's eyebrows shoot up in surprise as a devious smile appears on his face, "why yes I do, who do you have in mind?"

"Well, Ope has been in the dumps lately and I do like it when you boys are happy." [Y/N] says, "but as long as it's okay with you."

"I'm perfectly fine with it baby, better Opie than some John off the street." Jax replies before spinning her around and gently pushing her towards Opie, "my room, big bed and a damn good lock."

She laughs softly while crossing the floor to where Opie is sitting, he glances up from his lap as she nears him.

Cautiously she takes his hand and leans down next to his ear, "Come with me Ope, I've got a surprise for you."

Opie doesn't object when she tugs him up from the chair he's sitting in and he follows closely behind her down the hallway. The two of them reach the bedroom and hurry inside where they find Jax waiting on the bed for them.

"What exactly is this surprise?" Opie questions as he locks eyes with his brother and [Y/N] shuts the door and locks it. Jax cracks a huge smile and motions towards [Y/N], she walks over to the bed and crawls behind Jax before draping her arms around his neck.

"You've been exclusively selected to participate in a threesome, the final decision remains up to you though." [Y/N] states happily, her eyes moving very slowly down his body to his crotch which was obviously aroused.

Opie shifts from one foot to another awkwardly, "are you sure man? I mean that's your girl, I just don't want to cause any problems."

Jax chuckles before replying, "Ope, it's cool man we've already talked about this we're both okay with it."

"It'll be worth it." [Y/N] chimes in softly. Opie eagerly nods his head yes and Jax reaches around and taps her leg with his hand. She squeals happily before sliding off the bed and prancing over to where Opie is standing. In a quick manner she unbuckles his belt and starts to work on his pants. Finally both his pants and boxers are on the floor around his ankles, her [e/c] eyes light up at the size of his fully erected cock.

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