Frigid [Happy Lowman]

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Day Eight of My Annual 25 Days of SOA
With blankets tucked under her chin [Y/N] feels as snug as a bug in a rug, but that all comes crashing down when her alarm goes off. Reluctantly she reaches out with her hand to shut the screaming clock off and within those few seconds she realizes just how cold it is in the house. In a flash she pulls her hand back and rolls over towards Happy who's still fast asleep as if nothing is wrong.

"Happy!" [Y/N] whisper shouts while shaking his shoulder in an attempt to rouse him. Of course it didn't work and he rolls over away from her taking some of the covers with him. The lack of blankets allows the frigid air to seep into where she's laying which forces her to scoot across the bed and closer to Happy. After wrapping herself up in blankets once more she yanks the covers off of her Old Man which doesn't faze him one bit.

She puffs her cheeks out and tugs the blankets up just enough for her feet to poke out and within seconds they're cold enough. Carefully she rearranged herself and then attacks by placing her now cold feet against Happy's unclothed back. Happy jolts forward and topples out of bed landing on the floor with a hard thud earning a satisfying sigh from [Y/N].

"What the hell woman?" Happy questions as he slowly pulls himself up and over the edge of the bed, "it's too early for this nonsense."

"Well you shouldn't have cut the thermostat down to fucking frigid." [Y/N] replies sharply before snatching all of the blankets and rolling herself up like a burrito.

"Then you shouldn't have it turned all the way to fucking inferno!" Happy snaps back jostling the bed as he stands and stomps out of the room. The house falls silent as [Y/N] finds that one comfy spot on the bed and drifts back off to sleep which is ruined as Happy climbs back into bed. After a few minutes of him lying there silently he rolls over and curls into [Y/N] essentially becoming the big spoon.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles into her shoulder as the heat kicks on putting a damper on the cold.

"You're forgiven." She replies while rolling over to face him.

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