Biggest Supporter [Opie Winston]

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Prompt: Hi there! Could I request an Opie X reader where he comes to her to seek comfort please? Thanks!
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Cursing and use of alcohol.
After a hectic day at work all [Y/N] wanted to do was roll through a drive through for food, open a bottle of wine and pass out in bed. She made it about halfway through her original plan, the tiny little hiccup she encountered? Her best friend blowing up her phone, over a girl. To be honest she ignored the first three or four text messages and buried her head in her pillow. It wasn't until they started to roll in one right after another that she finally hit her breaking point.

With a huff she snatches the phone off the bedside table, unlocks it glares at  the bright light and sends one simple reply: get your ass over here. Once she hears the swoosh signaling that it's been sent she locks the screen and rolls back over in bed. [Y/N] is unsure what time Opie arrives at her house, but she hears the motorcycle shut off and the back door creak open and close.

"You awake?" Opie whispers from the doorway, the laundry room light seeping into the bedroom.

"Mm." Was [Y/N]'s only reply, Opie takes that as a yes and he slinks further into the room. Now, [Y/N] can't really see Opie in the dim light but she can hear his heavy boots fall to the floor as he pulls them off. The slight jingle of his belt rouses her a little more as he pulls it and his kutte off making sure they're draped over the back of the nearby chair.

"Which side is free?" Opie whispers once more, this time much closer to the bed.

"The side closest to the closet." She mumbles in response just as the bed dips down low with Opies weight, "you'd also better be wearing clean clothes Ope, the last time this happened it took me weeks to get the grease spot out."

"They're clean." Opie replies as he rustles around until he's comfortable, halfway on his left side and halfway on his back. "I should have listened to you, shouldn't have rushed into this relationship."

[Y/N] is silent for a few moments as she clambers through her sleep bogged mine for an appropriate answer, "what'd the bitch do?"

"More like what has the bitch not done." Opie states as he finally flops onto his back, lifting his arms to rest above his head.

"Do I need to get the beer or the whiskey? Better yet where are the kids at this weekend?" [Y/N] questions as she fumbles around the bed for her phone, once she finds it she quickly checks the time and returns it to the bedside table.

"Luckily they're spending the night at friends houses. Whiskey would be great, but you don't have to get up to get any." Opie replies, the room silent for what feels like ages.

[Y/N] forces herself to sit up and kick the covers away from her bare legs, "glasses or just the bottle?"

"Bottle." Opie replies way to quickly. She nonchalantly nods her head and slips out of bed and into the hallway where she effortlessly maneuvers her way into the kitchen. In order to see what she's doing she opens the refrigerator as a light source and begins to rummage through her cabinets for the unopened bottle of booze. The moment she finds it she yanks it down, shuts the refrigerator and heads back down the hallway.

"Lucky for you my boss is such a kiss ass he legitimately goes out of his way to gift me the good stuff." [Y/N] states as she climbs onto the bed while passing the bottle over to Opie. She doesn't get a verbal response, just a grunt as he twists the top off and takes a long swing from the bottle.

By this time she knows there won't be any sleep, not until Opie gets it out of his system or passes out drunk. She doesn't mind either way, that's what best friends are for, besides there's no way in hell she'll finish that bottle by herself.

"Thanks, that hits the spot." Opie finally days after two more long swigs, "is he still trying to get in your pants?"

"Nope, he finally took the hint. But let's not worry about me Ope, what's this crow been up to now?" [Y/N] replies as she reaches out and pats Opies chest, "cause you know I'll curb stomp a bitch. No one messes with my number one or my god children."

Opie chuckles softly, the contents of the whiskey bottle sloshing every so lightly in the background. "It started off as simple things, not cleaning up after herself, but then it graduated to forgetting the kids at school."

"What? Has she lost her damn mind!" [Y/N] barks out angrily, "was that the other day when I couldn't make it? Because that asshat said she'd pick them up, even swore on it."

"Yeah, Gemma was kind enough to swing by and pick them up." Opie states as he takes another swing from the whiskey bottle, "but what takes the cake, this bitch had the gall to bring another man to my house and screw him in my bed."

"The next time I see this raggedy Ann-looking bitch i'm gonna make her regret all of the shit she's pulled." She murmurs out sending Opie into a fit of laughter, "oh you think this is funny Ope? Oh no, i'm dead ass serious she's crossed a line that can't be uncrossed."

Before Opie can reply [Y/N] finds the whiskey bottle and yanks it free from his hands. She puts the bottle up to her chapped lips and downs some of it, enjoying the burning sensation as it goes down.

"Thank you, for this and for just being there." Opie mumbles out as he takes the bottle back once she's done.

"You're welcome boo, you know I got your back. Besides i'm your biggest supporter, your best wifey, the one who'll help hide the body." She replies with a soft laugh as the bottle comes in contact with the other bedside table. Opie grunts and rolls towards her draping am arm over waist and she knows that he's finally down for the count.

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