Strange [Juice Ortiz]

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Prompt: May I request having a pool party with the club,  and you're married to Happy with some kids,  but Juice is infatuated with you?  (Happy early birthday)
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None.
The happy chattering in the backseat puts a huge smile on [Y/N]'s face as she comes to a stop right outside Gemma's house where she kills the car. It takes a few seconds to fight the seatbelt with her massively swollen tummy but she finally manages to free herself. She then carefully slides out of the front seat trying desperately to avoid smacking the steering wheel before turning her attention to the two munchkins in the back.

As she opens the rear passenger door the two boys coming spilling forth toting several pool toys, "boys, remember what I told you this morning?"

"Yes ma'am," [Y/E/S] replies with a bright cheery smile as the youngest eagerly nods his head yes.

"Good, daddy won't be joining us so that means if you get in trouble Aunty Gem gets to dish out the punishments." [Y/N] replies before they take off in a sprint towards the house pool noodles flapping in the wind behind them. Before she can get the car door closed properly a helping hand appears and secured itself around her upper arm.

Her [e/c] eyes glance from the helping hand up to the loving face of Gemma, "I thought I told you that I'd personally come pick you and the kids up."

"I know, I know but the boys were just to excited and couldn't wait." She replies as Gemma guides her back towards the house, more specifically towards the open gate leading to the garden, "now, is there anything I can help with?"

"Absolutely not! You're going to go get comfortable on a lounge chair under an umbrella and enjoy this beautiful summer day." Gemma replies as she leads her through the gate. The first thing she can hear is the infectious laughter of children, followed by several splashes. As they drift father into the garden the smell of grilling burgers and hotdogs reaches her nose sending the pregnancy hormones into a frenzy.

Gemma pats her arm as they near the pool and the lounge chairs and all [Y/N] can do is chuckle and do as she's requested. Before taking a seat she shimmies out of the swimsuit cover revealing a cute ruffled maternity swimsuit underneath.

"Need a hand with anything?" A familiar voice questions from behind her. It doesn't take long for [Y/N] to place the voice with a face as she spins around to find a shirtless Juice standing there.

[Y/N] smiles softly before easing herself down onto the lounge chair, "I think i'm okay for now Juice, but thank you for asking anyway."

"You're very welcome and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask ok?" Juice asks as he slowly walks off in a different direction his eyes never leaving hers. [Y/N] nods at him watches as he heads over to where a couple of his brothers are perched drinking beer. After a few moments her attention is pulled towards the pool where her two sons are having a blast splashing each other and anyone around them.

It doesn't take long for her tiny bladder to betray her and she finds herself quickly scrambling up from the chair. Just as she's almost fully standing Juice suddenly appears in front of her offering a helping hand which she doesn't turn down.

"Thanks." She mumbles as a reply while pulling away from Juice so that she can waddle into the house to use the bathroom. Juice smiles happily as he crosses his arms and watches her go inside Happy that he was able to get to her first.

He turns on his foot ready to make a running leap into the pool, but he comes to a screeching halt. Multiple scenarios run through his mind in regards to [Y/N] but he manages to beat them away before chasing after her. Once inside he begins searching frantically and finds [Y/N] leaning on the wall just a few feet past the kitchen.

"You okay?" Juice asks causing her to jump obviously catching her off guard and startling her.

"Jesus Juice, scared the shit out of me." [Y/N] mumbles with a soft laugh as she looks around at him.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to do that." Juice replies in a panicked manner as he races to her side rambling ninety to nothing.

[Y/N] becomes a little freaked and holds her hands up in an attempt to silence him which sort of works because he trails off. "It's okay, i'm okay, the baby is okay. I just got a bit tired on my way to Gemma's bathroom since she insisted that I use that one."

Juice breaks out into a soft laugh while clapping his hands together, "ok, well that eases my worry. Would you like for me to help you the rest of the way?"

[Y/N] opens and closes her mouth trying to form the correct response and finally settles for a small nod, "sure."

"Great!" Juice states in a giddy manner while offering his arm for her to take which she does.

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