Corn Maze [Opie Winston]

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Trick or Treat?
Prompt: Corn Maze
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None!
[Y/N] glances up from the pamphlet in hand towards the corn maze and then back at the pamphlet, "this thing is freaking massive. There are three different designs wrapped up in one maze."

"The perfect way to have some fun as a family." Juice states happily from beside her, "at some point we'll start playing Marco Polo because we're turned around seven ways from Sunday."

"More like Happy shoving his way through the corn because he's fed up and just wants to leave." Opie states while bumping shoulders with [Y/N] who smiles in return while hoping deep down she can witness Happy going ape shit.

After an eternity of waiting the group finally makes it to the front of the line where they're faced with four different openings. Opie snags [Y/N]'s hand and they bolt towards one of the middle openings leaving the rest of the group in the dust. A left here,and a right there and sure enough before they realize it they are lost deep within one of the patterns.

"Well I believe this is far enough." Opie says as he comes to a complete stop in front of [Y/N] which causes her to almost run into him.

[Y/N] glances around only to find corn upon corn and a random child running amuck, "why'd we stop here?"

"Well, this is gonna sound real weird, but the pamphlet that you have is last years." Opie replies as he fishes a piece of folded paper out of one of his pockets.

"Do what now?" [Y/N] asks as she fumbles with the waded piece of paper in her hands. Sure enough after a few moments of studying the pamphlet she finds that it was indeed printed last year. "So, what's going on here Ope?"

"Here's the real pamphlet, make sure to study the pattern for this year." Opie states as she takes the folded paper from him. [Y/N] hesitantly unfolds the pamphlet and begins studying the pattern, just ahead of her she can see Opie fiddling with something before kneeling down in front of her to do who knows what.

"There's not really a..." her voice trails off as she finally pieces the letters together and glances at Opie who's kneeling in front of her holding a little black box sporting a pretty engagement ring.

"Well, what do you say?" He questions as a small hoard of children to speeding by.

[Y/N] nods her head vigorously as a huge smile spreads across her face, "Yes, yes I will marry you Opie!"

Opie returns to a standing position and carefully removes the ring from the box and slides it onto the ring finger of her left hand. Just as the two go to share a brief kiss a familiar voice a few feet away lets out a rather loud "Marco," followed by a "Polo."

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