Mine [Juice Ortiz]

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From across the room [Y/N] spots an old friend who waves her over, she turns on the barstool to face Juice. She pats him lightly on the thigh before hopping down and jerking a thumb over towards her friend.

"Gonna go say hi, I'll be back in a moment." [Y/N] states happily as Juice smiles in return. In a flash she makes her way over to her friend and true to her word she keeps the conversation short and to the point. After stuffing the friends cell number in her pocket she begins to make her way back over to where Juice is.

About halfway across the room someone steps in front of her effectively blocking her path. [Y/N] lets out a deep sigh as she slowly fixes her [e/c] eyes on the stranger in front of her. He sways slightly obviously under a heavy influence of alcohol, his unkempt appearance also catches her eye but she plays it off.

"Pardon me, just gonna slip on by ya here." She states loud enough for him to hear her over the music. [Y/N] carefully steps around her but is stopped by a rough hand on her upper arm.

"Nah darlin, why don't you just wait right here with me." He sputters our swaying heavily to one side, "we gonna have us some fun baby girl."

Panic sets in even though she knows none of the Sons would let anything happen to her. All she has to do is quickly scan the area, lock eyes with one of them or at least get their attention. [Y/N] tries desperately to wiggle her way free from the creeps grasp but every time she almost breaks free he tightens his grip.

"If you don't let go of me right now I swear to god you won't be walking out of here tonight." [Y/N] shouts as she once again attempts to yank herself free. The guys personality suddenly shifts from a handsy drunk wanting to flirt to something else.

"Yo! She doesn't belong to you." A familiar voice calls out to the guy before his hand is removed from her arm. [Y/N]'s gaze shifts from the guy to Juice who is standing next to her a protective arm draped around her shoulders.

"Problem here brother?" Chibs asks as he flanks [Y/N]'s other side, "cause I think there might be a problem."

"Everything good boys?" Jax asks as he too saunters up to the group his eyes never leaving the drunk guy who's now squaring the boys up.

The guy staggers towards [Y/N] in an attempt to make a grab and everything comes undone. Chibs and Jax jump forward and push the guy away roughly before snatching him by the shirt and dragging him away. [Y/N] lets out a shaky breath before glancing up and over to Juice who's watching his brothers.

"Thank you." She mumbles catching Juices attention. He turns his head to look at her and leans down to press a gentle kiss against her temple.

"No one is ever going to lay a hand on you. Or flirt. Or you know, breath in your general direction." Juice replies which earns a hearty chuckle from [Y/N] who gently shoved him.

"Shut up dork." She states happily a small smile making its way onto her face.

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