Stay With Me [Jax Teller]

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Prompt(s): Keep your eyes on me. We'll be alright. Please stop. Take my hand. C'mon, get up. I'm never gonna let you go.
Warnings: Death, mentions of blood, sadness.
Rating: NSFW?
Jax stumbles through the front door and comes to an immediate stop the moment his eyes land on the large pool of blood slowly drying on the hardwood floor. His brothers come rushing in behind him and slam hard against his back sending him stumbling further into the eerily quiet house. So many things happen at once, that's something Jax can remember clearly, first his heart sinks, then his head starts swimming and finally his legs start working. In a flash he's sprinting down the hall towards the bedroom as his brothers fan out and start searching the rest of the house for [Y/N]. Along the walls are bloody hand prints that head towards the bedroom and a few stray puddles along the floor that disappear into the carpet as the floor transitions into the bedroom.

He approaches the bedroom door and reaches for the doorknob only to find it locked, "[Y/N]! [Y/N] open the door!"

At the sound of his voice the rest of the guys come barging down the hallway just as Jax slams his shoulder into the door trying desperately to get into the room. He rams the door again, and again, and again until it finally breaks away from the door frame and slams into the wall behind it. Jax lurches forward, his blue eyes scanning desperately around the room for the love of his life. As he inches forward into the room he notices that the blood trail from out in the hallway continues across the carpet and into the bathroom where it's smeared along the door and wall just outside the door.

"Is she in there?" Tig asks softly from behind Jax, his eyes trained on the open bathroom door.

Jax doesn't answer, with heavy feet and his heart pounding so loud in his ears he takes a step towards the bathroom and then another, and another until his worst fears are confirmed. From where he's standing Jax can see [Y/N]'s bloodied bare feet sticking out around the bathroom door. His heart sinks into his stomach as he forces himself to go further into the bathroom, he barely makes it around the corner before collapsing into a heap next to [Y/N] who's lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a towel clutched in her hand.

"Oh god, oh god." Jax sobs as he carefully lifts her upper torso into his lap so that he's cradling her into his chest. Tears fall from his cheeks onto [Y/N]'s face washing away some of the blood smeared there, his brothers long forgotten as they gather around the door.
"Please, stop." [Y/N] rasps out, her voice weak but loud enough for Jax to hear. He freezes, his blue eyes locking with her own half lidded [e/c] ones before realizing that she's not dead, she's still clinging to life.

"H-hey baby, keep your eyes on me, you're going to be alright." Jax states as he takes the towel she's holding from her cold hand and presses it firmly against her abdomen that's still oozing warm blood, "we're going to be alright."

"I've already called 911! They'll be here any moment!" Juice shouts from the other side of the bedroom as Tig and Chibs rush into the bathroom scrambling in an attempt to do anything to help. Her eyes shift from Jax over to Chibs who is clutching one of her hands and trying feverishly to wipe off some of the dried blood on her cheek.

"C'mon kid, you've got to get up. You've got to be okay." Tig mutters softly as he slumps down to the ground around her feet, tears welling up in his own tired brown eyes.

Jax presses the towel harder into the wound wanting it desperately to stop bleeding, but the towel soon becomes saturated to the point that it's useless. His cries of anguish become harder and louder as [Y/N]'s eyes drift lower and lower, her fight dwindling by the second.

"Where the fuck is the ambulance?!" Tig cries out into the bedroom at the others who are pacing the floor and then the sirens can be heard in the distance.

"Dont..." [Y/N] mutters so low that it's almost missed by everyone.

"Don't what?" Chibs questions, his on panic setting in, his heart aching terribly for the young woman that he's grown quite attached to over the past few years.

"...leave." she breathes out, her eyes closing for the final time as her chest stops rising and falling, her body exhausted from fighting for so long and so hard.

Everything comes to a stand still in the small bathroom, Tigs and Chibs unsure of what to do except sit and mourn as Jax unleashes all of his anger and sadness through tears. From around the corner Tig can see the bright red bags of the rescue medics as they rush into the bedroom ready to help in any way they can.

"I'm never going to leave you." Jax mutters as the paramedics aggressively try to worm their way into the bathroom to asses [Y/N] even though it's already too late.

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