Happy Birthday [Jax Teller]

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Cool fingers ghost across [Y/N]'s left knee, but her concentration never falters as her eyes skim over the menu, "I think i'll have the special tonight, Jax?"

"Same," Jax replies as he passes the waiter the menu before turning his attention back to [Y/N]. The waiter clears his throat before moving away from the table as Jax's fingers slowly creep higher and higher up her leg, slowly pushing the fabric of her dress towards her waist. His light touch causes goosebumps to erupt across her skin as a shiver runs up her back, but she doesn't push his hand away. Hell, in the back of her head she's hoping that he'll take that bold step and push her panties to the side and work her to the edge of bliss right there in front of God and everyone.

Their eyes lock as his fingers dance along her skin in the same place as if asking for permission, her hand slips from the table and drapes his before eagerly pushing it higher. Jax takes the hint as a smirk drifts across his face, as his fingers come in contact with her sex [Y/N] instinctively spreads her legs. Her [e/c] eyes drift around the restaurant in search of anyone that was onto their dirty play, but then again Jax picked the back corner for a reason.

In a slow manner he pushes her panties to the side and drags his middle finger through her folds that were by now soaked with her juices. [Y/N]'s face lights up as a low moan fights its way to the surface, but before it can come tumbling out she bites down on her lip as her eyes cut over to Jax. She is surprised to still see that smirk on his face from earlier as his finger finds her clit and begins to slowly and gently apply pressure to it. At his touch her body comes alive and her back arches some in her chair wanting more, no needing more. Jax is just about to fulfill her wish, but the waiter stops at the table with a basket of bread and a pitcher of water.

"We're good." Jax replies as he waves the guy away, "actually, can we get a check please."

The waiter stops obviously taken aback by the request, but nods in earnest before disappearing to the back. He returns a few moments later carrying the check and some complimentary mints. Jax pulls away from [Y/N] completely while he digs out some money to pay the guy, once he's done paying he stands and grabs her hand and pulls her towards the door. The two of them tumble out into the parking lot heading straight for her car, once they find it Jax pushes her up is against it before attacking her lips with his. [Y/N] grapples with his belt as his hands yank up her dress and push her panties down towards her knees. She eventually frees his erect cock from his boxers, he lifts up her right leg and wraps it around his waist before guiding his cock towards her entrance.

"Some birthday baby," Jax breathes as he presses his against hers.

[Y/N] laughs softly before pressing her lips against his as he inches his cock into her pussy, the sensation that rolls across her body as he stretches her is mind blowing. Jax movements start out slow and drawn out, but pick up in speed as they lock eyes. She moans loudly while gripping his shoulders tightly, her nails biting into his skin the action earning a grunt from him.

In the pit of her stomach [Y/N] can feel the coil tightening ready to snap and unfurl and the faster Jax pounds into her the tighter it gets. Then all of a sudden he hits the right spot and it all comes undone, she gasps loudly and clings to him as climaxes around him. Jax chuckles lowly next to her ear as he picks up his pace helping her to ride it out, but his climax follows soon after. The two of them cling to each other as they both come down from their high, completely ignoring the fact that they had just went all out in the parking lot.

"Happy birthday," [Y/N] mumbles softly.

"Thank you, I sure can't wait to get my gift when we get home." Jax replies as the two of them break out laughter.

"I thought this was your gift?" [Y/N] questions as they quickly situated themselves so that they look like decent human beings.

Jax opens the passenger side door for her as she climbs in, "Oh no baby, that was dessert."

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